Latter-day Saints do not normally wear physical crosses, but instead take up a symbolic cross in order to come unto Christ. Why do Latter-day Saints not wear crosses? I recently talked about this question with a fellow member of the Church. She told me that she did wear a cross… Continue reading
The Relief Society, the world’s longest-running organization for women, has recently made changes to its purpose statement. One hundred seventy-five years ago, on March 17, 1842, Joseph Smith formally organized early Latter-day Saint women into an organization called Relief Society. Today, this organization is still blessing the lives of millions of people… Continue reading
We’re quick to say that we love Elder Holland’s fiery sermons and President Uchtdorf’s airplane analogies. But what are our favorite talks given by women? Men are ordained to offices of the priesthood. Women are not. But that doesn’t mean that women aren’t leaders and teachers in The Church of Jesus Christ of… Continue reading
As the world’s expectations for women change with the seasons, nothing is as empowering as Heavenly Father’s plan for his daughters. The modern world has opened up exciting opportunities for women. But with these opportunities, we often feel increased pressure. When we want to look beautiful, the world says, “Look perfect.” When we want to… Continue reading
While we may not always feel the significance of the little things we do, God keeps a perfect record and none of our efforts are lost. Have you ever gotten stuck thinking about all the people you neglected to help or about the things you failed to get done in… Continue reading
Mormon Insights is published by students in the capstone course of the editing minor at Brigham Young University (BYU). Every member of the Fall 2015 Mormon Insights staff (above) assisted with planning, writing, editing, and designing articles; publishing them on the Internet; and promoting them through social media. Photos by Lauren… Continue reading
Women are daughters of God with an integral role in Christ’s restored Church. All people born into this world are children of God and, as such, have great worth. The words “I am a child of God,” found in a beloved Latter-day Saint children’s song, are true for all men,… Continue reading
Learn about and browse the pages of the first hymnal of the Church. Shortly after her baptism in July 1830, Emma Smith was called by God to compile a hymnbook to edify the Church. The Lord says in Doctrine and Covenants 25:12, “My soul delighteth in the song of the heart;… Continue reading
Education can help you learn about your eternal nature, discover truth and self-discipline, and become who God wants you to be. Personal questions can help us evaluate our educational progress: “Where am I now? What do I need to do better? What do I need to learn in order to… Continue reading
Learn how to reconcile your doubts about revelations from the Lord’s prophets. Revelation is often given in response to a certain question or situation. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland recounts how the first section of the Doctrine and Covenants, also known as the Lord’s Preface, was given after a man accused… Continue reading