3 Ways to Combat Major Regret

Regret is relentless as it comes at us from all sides, but there are three goals we can shoot for to minimize major regret. 

Photo by Steven Lelham

For all the positive emotions we experience on this earth, we have to feel many negative ones as well to help us grow and appreciate the good ones. Of the negative emotions, regret is particularly sour. It may not be something we can ever fully escape, but in his talk “Of Regrets and Resolutions,” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf shares three goals we can strive to incorporate into our lives that will help us avoid major regrets.

  1. “Spend more time with those we love.”

When it comes down to it, relationships are some of the most important and special parts of our lives, and they are worth our time and effort even if they are sometimes inconvenient.

  1. “Strive more earnestly to become the person God wants us to be.”

In addition to the people we share our lives with, this life is all about growth and progress. In fact, we tend to feel happier and more at peace when we are working to become the best versions of ourselves. It may not be easy, but God will help us.

  1. “Find happiness, regardless of our circumstances.”

It is easy to feel that the grass is greener anywhere but where we are, but that mindset is an effective way of driving happiness from our lives. When we are happy notwithstanding what is going on in our lives, we are more likely to make decisions we can feel good about later.

Day by day, if we can strive to follow these three points, we will improve the quality of our lives and reduce the regret we feel.

Get more insight regarding President Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s advice by reading his talk “Of Regrets and Resolutions.”

Source: ChurchofJesusChrist.org

—R. Maren Skidmore, Latter-day Saints Insights


Find more insights 

Read President Russel M. Nelson’s “Joy and Spiritual Survival” to learn more about being happy in any circumstance. 

Check out Elder Robert C. Oaks’s devotional “Your Divine Heritage” for more material on becoming who God wants you to be.

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