Giving In to Compliments

Because I wanted to be humble, I used to focus too much on my weaknesses. Now I understand that God wants us to grow confident from our successes. “We talk about being kind to everyone and filling our speech with love, but whenever you say even one nice thing about… Continue reading

Finding Joy Now

What are we losing when we wish today away? If you could be at any point in your life, what would you pick? Would you jump to the past, before you made an unwise decision or before current trials set in? Or would you skip ahead to when present challenges… Continue reading

Perfection—Still in Progress

We are commanded to be perfect like Christ, but we aren’t expected to attain perfection immediately. It’s easy to see the distance between where we are and where we want to be—and even should be. It’s also easy to be discouraged when we realize how often we fail to “be… Continue reading

Will Forgiveness Come?

Because we sometimes feel ashamed of the need to repent, we forget that the Savior wants to forgive us. There is a common perception that asking for forgiveness is something to be ashamed of. Repenting of our sins can seem daunting. We imagine ourselves kneeling before the throne of grace,… Continue reading

What Armor Do I Put on Today?

armor lying on wall

With the enemy of righteousness surrounding us on every side, we need to ensure that we put on the armor of God every day. Suppose you woke up one morning and knew that you had to fight in a medieval battle later that day. So, you shower, get dressed, brush your teeth,… Continue reading

Foster the Desire to Do Good

Lady in red top walking down dirt lane

Can our efforts ever be good enough when we are imperfect at best? Do our desires and our less-than-perfect efforts count for anything? I desire to do good and to improve myself, yet I frequently fall short of my expectations. I feel edified and motivated one day, yet find myself struggling the… Continue reading

Love Intended to Lift

God’s love is infinite, ever-present, and eternal. But in order for it to bless us, we need to meet certain conditions.  As children of Heavenly Father, we receive Heavenly Father’s love eternally and constantly. But do we receive it unconditionally? In his conference address “Abide in My Love,” Elder D.… Continue reading

Kindness Is a Virtue

Developing the virtue of kindness can help us in our efforts to build the kingdom of God. In “The Virtue of Kindness,” Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin highlights the importance of kindness with two powerful sentences: “The Church is not a place where perfect people gather to say perfect things, or have… Continue reading

Cultivating a Spirit of Thanksgiving

porcupine among food

During a two-month internship in Brazil, I had difficulty developing feelings of gratitude for the very things that made my experience so amazing. As I stood under the pathetic, lukewarm trickle of the shower, struggling to rid my hair of the last of the fruity shampoo suds, I was struck… Continue reading

Peacemakers and Children of God

As a people who have decided to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, Mormons should seek opportunities to make peace in the political world. Ernest Benn once said, “Politics is the art of looking for trouble [and] finding it everywhere.” With the political world becoming more and more polarized, it’s… Continue reading