Finding Joy: Roses, Forget-Me-Nots, and Golden Tickets

If we focus on the little forget-me-nots that surround us in life, we can find joy in our current circumstances. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught an important principle about perspective in his talk “Forget Me Not” by recounting the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Willy Wonka, a famous… Continue reading

How to Use Technology for Lifelong Learning

Using some key organizational skills, anyone can successfully manage both the spiritual and the temporal parts of life. Technology is a major part of our day-to-day lives. We use it in numberless ways: to plan, to learn, to research, and to develop ourselves. Many church leaders have spoken about using… Continue reading

How to Prioritize Your Happiness

Put your happiness first by balancing spiritual, personal, and temporal responsibilities. Despite hectic schedules filled with work, school, church, and social responsibilities, living every day with joy in our hearts is possible. It’s a common belief that we need to be busy to be productive and valuable. But our value… Continue reading

Resisting the “Siren’s Song of Convenience”

We are constantly tempted to do things the easy way, but as disciples of Christ, we must choose the right even when it is difficult. In his 1982 BYU address “The Inconvenient Messiah,” Jeffrey R. Holland, then president of the university, warned against the dangers of subscribing to “convenient Christianity.”… Continue reading

When Should You Judge?

I learned from a friend that our job is to love one another and nurture our spirituality, not try to determine each other’s fate. After I graduated from high school, many of my friends were preparing to leave on missions for the Church. My Sundays became busier and busier as… Continue reading

Why Your Greatest Accomplishments Can Be Small and Simple

We often think we need to change the world in order to feel accomplished. In truth, it’s the small and simple things that are harder to achieve and more glorious in reward. In “Small and Simple Things,” President Dallin H. Oaks reminds us of a familiar scripture: “By small and… Continue reading

Pursuing Happiness

Happiness comes when you live the way that happy people live. Everyone wants to be happy, but in today’s world it seems that happiness is becoming an impossible pursuit. Still, there’s something that resonates with truth and hopefulness in Joseph Smith’s words: “Happiness is the object and design of our existence;… Continue reading

Authentic, Happy, and Beautiful: The Virtues of Cheerful Discipleship

Although everyone feels sad or angry at times, we can color our days with more happy moments as we stay on the gospel path. In the talk “Three Sisters,” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf tells the story of three sisters: one sad, one mad, and one glad. He notes that at times,… Continue reading

Getting Things Done without Time Travel: Five Ways to Manage Your Time

You can’t make time stretch, but here are five tips for spending your time well. Continue reading

Maintaining Sacredness, Avoiding Complacency

Why are ordinances considered to be sacred? And how can we avoid being complacent about them?   Today our attention is captured by catchy headlines, enthralling television shows, and clever gifs. We’re preoccupied with pressing deadlines and personal responsibilities. Our busy schedules can make it difficult to find time to pray daily and… Continue reading