Expanding Our Understanding of Family History

Even if your family tree is complete, there is still work for you to do. When we think of family history, we often think of perusing birth and marriage records in order to connect generations of families together. In some cases, however, our family trees might already be complete, or… Continue reading

Family: 3 Things the Devil Doesn’t Want You to Know

father and young son sit on a hammock

In order to rise above this world’s moral confusion, we must strengthen family relationships with faith in Jesus Christ.  It’s possible that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have never been more “peculiar” (1 Peter 2:9) than we are today. In a world ever shifting toward selfishness… Continue reading

Family History: More Than Work for the Dead

A zebra sticking his nose into an old, blue car.

Family history isn’t just for the salvation of our ancestors. As we learn about our ancestors, their example strengthens us. I always felt like family history was for old people, so when Elder David A. Bednar gave his talk “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn” in October 2011, I immediately… Continue reading

Contest Winner: Wandering Sheep

child in a field of red flowers

A general conference talk gave me hope for my wandering son’s future. My husband and I have six children. They all bring us joy, but parenting them has also provided us with trials and learning experiences.  In 2003, our fourth child was fourteen and was struggling with many issues. Although I never learned… Continue reading

What Hurts the Most

hands typing on a laptop

Are you sure your partner would be okay with that text you just sent? Today, it is more likely than ever before that infidelity will be based in technology. According to licensed marriage and family therapist Dr. Lori Cluff Schade in her Ensign article “Marriage, Technology, and Emotional Infidelity,” “texting, email, games,… Continue reading

Finding Joy in the Process

Fact: life can be tough. However, as we look toward Christ, we can find the joy we need to endure even the most difficult trials. We never think that we will be the ones who will have to suffer through a particular challenge or trial—until it is staring us in… Continue reading

5 Ways to Guard Against Lust

Young couple laughing

Combating lust will help us develop true love and grow closer to the Spirit. Lust isn’t something we generally like to think or talk about. It’s dark and alluring at the same time. However, talking about lust can lead to understanding it, which can lead to a greater ability to… Continue reading

Catching a Vision of Your Future

Preparing for your future starts with the decisions you make now. Young adulthood has been described as a decade of decisions, but it can also be a decade of dreams. As Elder Erich W. Kopischke counsels in “What Do You Envision in Life?” it is important to have a clear vision… Continue reading

Pornography Is Not Love

landscape photo of a desolate land

Chop down the tree of pornography by cutting off the roots of lust. Through Christ’s healing and forgiveness, you can overcome pornography addiction. Pornography addiction is a real issue that affects us all in some way: it can destroy self-worth, relationships, and—most importantly—true love. In his address “Place No More… Continue reading

Talking about Same-Sex Attraction

yellow leaf in a pile of purple leaves

Conversations about same-sex attraction require love and understanding. In a world where more and more people believe that right and wrong are relative, the teachings of the Mormon church about same-sex attraction stand out. Mormons believe that only marriage between a man and a woman is of God. But does that mean they reject… Continue reading