Navigating Nuance: The Value of Inquiry

folded hands over an open Bible

Deep and serious reflection about religious concerns can feel both daunting and unavoidable;  however, embracing this complexity may be the key to finding peace with your spiritual identity. Navigating young adulthood is a continual process of inquiry and change as individuals encounter major transitions such as graduating, entering the workforce,… Continue reading

Following the Spirit to Comfort Others

Sun behind white wispy clouds drifting over a blue sky

Sometimes a little comfort is all you need to make it through a particularly bad day, week, month, or even year. The Holy Spirit is quiet, but if we let it, it can make a powerful difference in our lives. Not only does it help us to make hard decisions… Continue reading

Breaking News: There Is No “One and Only”

Bride and groom's hands

Deciding whom to marry isn’t easy. But part of what makes it special is that both spouses use agency to choose their one and only companion. After three weeks of dating, he knew. After three months, he told me he wanted to marry me. But I wasn’t sure. I’d been… Continue reading

God Is in the Gaps

Seeing the sun through a gap

Though we may not see the whole picture, God shows us enough that we can have faith in him. How can people have faith in something they can’t see? How can the small pieces of evidence that we occasionally receive form the foundation of a firm faith? President Steven J.… Continue reading

Our Intuition Is a Gift: Judge Righteously

a gavel on a white marble background

Spiritual promptings and our own intuition are gifts from God to keep us safe. Let us trust ourselves while still respecting others as children of God. Recently, I took my car to the dealership for a routine service appointment when an older man approached me and struck up conversation. As… Continue reading

Sunday-Self vs. Thursday-Self

Paintbrushes in a cup

Have you ever walked out of an especially spiritual experience wishing you could hold on to that feeling forever? My Sunday-self and my Thursday-self are sometimes very different people. I cannot count how many times I’ve walked out of a church meeting on Sunday with a fire in my bones… Continue reading

God Knows. Why Pray?

God knows our needs, but we still need to pray for them. It’s through our efforts and our Savior that he answers our prayers.  Imagine a child trying to lift a heavy box on his or her own. The child may strain and struggle, small arms not able to reach… Continue reading

Why We Should Be Spiritually Minded

Being spiritually minded is the best way to find certainty in an uncertain world. Where do you see yourself in ten years? I have never really liked that question; as I’ve gotten older, I’ve liked it even less. Each year as I progress further along my college career, my future… Continue reading

Finding Rest in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

A tired woman throws herself facedown across a couch.

If you have felt “weary in well-doing” (Doctrine and Covenants 64:33), hear the words of the prophet and find peace in Christ. As I approach the end of my last semester in college, my most prominent feeling is usually tiredness. I’m tired in my 8 a.m. lectures, I’m tired when… Continue reading

My Second Life … As a Latter-day Saint

The Salt Lake City Temple

The first time I heard the story of Joseph Smith and the First Vision was at Temple Square in Salt Lake City during a guided tour. I believed it. But my family didn’t. My father said it was the most bogus story he had ever heard. I was crushed and… Continue reading