Hope: A Journey to Faith

"Hope is an abiding trust that the Lord will fulfill His promises." - Preach My Gospel

Photo by Felipe Lopez

Sometimes it can take seconds to gain faith in certain aspects of the gospel, but what if it takes twenty years?

For twenty years, I didn’t have a testimony of Joseph Smith as a prophet. During these years, I served in numerous callings and even went on a mission. Despite my lack of testimony, I never felt like a hypocrite when I testified of the gospel, because I knew that one day I would gain the faith I sought.

I didn’t realize that I was relying on hope in a future testimony until I studied the Preach My Gospel chapter on Christlike attributes. The chapter defines hope as “an abiding trust that the Lord will fulfill His promises to you. . . . It is believing and expecting that something will occur.”

In my case, I believed and expected that one day I would gain a testimony of Joseph Smith. It was sometimes a struggle to maintain this hope. I wasn’t sure when I would acquire that faith—if it had already been twenty years, maybe it would be twenty more—but I held on to what I already knew to be true. I kept praying, I kept reading the scriptures, I kept attending church.

In the end, it wasn’t a grand moment when I finally found the testimony I had been seeking. It was simply a quiet feeling that came over me. Now, I can finally testify of Joseph Smith as a prophet of God. And when another question arises, I’ll be able to repeat this process of hope until I have the faith.

Read more about hope and other Christlike attributes that can bolster your faith in “Chapter 6: How Do I Develop Christlike Attributes?” of Preach My Gospel.

Source: LDS.org

—Heather White, Mormon Insights

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Find more insights

Learn about the beauty of belief and how to strengthen your faith by reading or watching Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s talk “Lord, I Believe.”

Read President James E. Faust’s talk “Hope, an Anchor of the Soul” to learn how hope can help us through times of trial.

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