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Modesty: Choose It or Lose It

It takes courage to choose modesty. Do you have what it takes?

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Photo by Tamara Menzi

We’ve often heard the words “you can’t judge a book by its cover.” If this is true, why do we put so much emphasis on dressing modestly? Why does it matter?

Sister Carol F. McConkie explains the importance of dressing—and behaving—modestly in her talk “Courage to Choose Modesty.”

“We know that our precious bodies are a gift from God to each of us,” says Sister McConkie.

We’ve all felt that sense of wonderment and awe when we look at a newborn baby. Each tiny toe and finger, each part of the body is precious. As we grow older, we need to remember that sense of gratitude and treat our bodies with the sanctity they deserve.

Sister McConkie shares three ways that modesty helps us during our time in mortality:

  1. “Modesty invites the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.”
  2. “Modest appearance and behavior helps protect us from the destructive influences of the world.”
  3. “Modesty enables us to ‘stand as witnesses of God at all times’ (Mosiah 18:9).”

Sister McConkie suggests that we ask ourselves if we would feel comfortable standing beside the Savior in the clothing we are wearing. If not, we can decide now to let our clothing choices reflect our understanding of the covenants we have made.

“I testify,” says Sister McConkie, “that the choices we make to appear and behave modestly send a powerful message that we understand our identity as sons and daughters of God and that we have chosen to stand in holy places.”

Read the full talk “Courage to Choose Modesty by Sister Carol F. McConkie to learn more about the importance of modesty.

Source: Ensign

—Phyllis Rosen, Mormon Insights

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Find more insights: 

For more information, read an Ensign article by Elder Robert D. Hales entitled “Modesty: Reverence for the Lord.”

Read For the Strength of Youth to find out the Church’s position on modesty.

Find additional advice in “The Body Is Sacred,” a talk given by former President of the Church, Gordon B. Hinckley.

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