Changing Times, Constant Truths

swirly sky

We live in an ever-changing world, but gospel truths remain constant and help build our faith in God.  The world is filled with doubts and misconceptions, especially when it comes to religion. In his 1980 Brigham Young University devotional address, “The Seven Deadly Heresies,” Elder Bruce R. McConkie reminds us of the importance of seeking a correct understanding of gospel… Continue reading

Catching a Vision of Your Future

Preparing for your future starts with the decisions you make now. Young adulthood has been described as a decade of decisions, but it can also be a decade of dreams. As Elder Erich W. Kopischke counsels in “What Do You Envision in Life?” it is important to have a clear vision… Continue reading

Why Religion Matters

Stained glass window of Jesus and his disciples

The indisputable power of religion binds us with “loving ties” to each other and to God. What can religion actually do for us? In a world of changing values and widely varying opinions, many of us are starting to ask this question. Others of us may feel that religious freedom is… Continue reading

Lessons Learned from a Broken Bow

When Nephi breaks his bow in the Book of Mormon, he teaches us by example how to deal with adversity. The first part of the Book of Mormon follows the journey of Lehi and his family out of Jerusalem, through the wilderness, and across the ocean to the promised land.… Continue reading

The Foundation of Joseph’s Powerful Community

Joseph Smith has affected the way millions of individuals connect with God and with each other. Joseph Smith founded a religion that has grown at an impressive rate. However, Terryl Givens explains in “‘Lightning Out of Heaven’: Joseph Smith and the Forging of Community” that Joseph really did much more than that.… Continue reading

Creativity: A Link to Father in Heaven

man crouching on a rock overlooking a the tops of clouds and a sunrise.

Not everyone is a master in the arts, but everyone is born with a spirit bursting with creativity. Unlocking this gift can help us establish a closer connection to our Heavenly Father. Some people don’t think they are very creative because they can’t play a musical instrument or have never… Continue reading

Failure Is Part of Success

Girl doing tree pose on rock outcropping.

The things I thought were failures in my life were actually my best opportunities to grow—and God didn’t love me any less for them.    We all have those moments when something we have heard our entire lives finally clicks, really sinking into our minds and hearts. I had that… Continue reading

How Can I Feel the Spirit More?

young man with an elderly woman

Do you want to feel the Spirit more fully? It’s possible, and the answer is pretty simple. One of the largest problems returned missionaries face is finding a way to feel the Spirit as strongly as they did on their missions. One young man asked Elder Don R. Clarke, a… Continue reading

Three Steps to Finding a More Abundant Life

Woman smiling with a sun flare behind her

Following these three steps can help us have a more abundant life on earth and achieve the most abundant life of all­­––eternal life.  With homework, family duties, job responsibilities, and church callings filling our days, we can sometimes start to feel like we’re just going through the motions. Sister Cheryl… Continue reading

Discover Your Own Path: Steps from Jesus Christ’s Young-Adult Years

group on top of mountain

Jesus doesn’t just understand young-adult life, he has lived it—perfectly. When we imagine the Savior, we typically visualize him as an adult––full beard, broad shoulders, and traces of wrinkles showing the joys and sorrows of 33 years. Kent F. Richards instead paints us a portrait of Jesus during his young-adult… Continue reading