Family History: Why Is This Even a Thing?

Group of women on laptops

Why should sorting through the names of people I don’t even know be important in my own life? Family history. We’ve all heard of it. But several friends have mentioned to me that family history work just seems too complicated and, honestly, just not worth their time. Since I am… Continue reading

Stuck in Place

Blue door

It’s easy to feel like you’ve tried and can’t change, but no one is ever beyond the help of Christ’s Atonement. This life is about improving, and while we all have a long list of Christlike attributes we’re working on, sometimes it can feel as if our efforts are wasted.… Continue reading

Prioritizing Spiritual Health

Man looking over an ocean from a perch, sunrise lighting him

While living in a world full of materialistic and increasing secular interests, how can we maintain our spiritual health? With the advent of social media and the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, more of us are emphasizing our emotional and physical health. However, when I scroll through social media,… Continue reading

Loving Our Enemies

three hanging wooden hearts

It’s easy to be kind to those who are nice to us, but what about being kind to our enemies? Why should we even try? Being kind to those who are hurtful to us can seem very counterintuitive. After all, it’s rare that we ever feel like being nice to… Continue reading

Education: More Than Preparation for Motherhood

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As women in the Church, we often hear that an education will prepare us for motherhood. But perhaps the Lord wants us to prepare for that and more. Many women in the Church have contemplated this question: “If I want to be a stay-at-home mom, why should I gain an… Continue reading

Becoming Ambitious for Christ

Busy street crowded with taxis and people

The world demands that we be ambitious if we want to be successful, but what would happen if we focused our ambitions on Christ? When American academic William S. Clark went to Japan in 1874, he left his students with a rousing speech. The most famous part of that speech… Continue reading

One Way to Help Loved Ones Come Back to Jesus

two friends holding a third friend. All of them are excited and happy

Sometimes helping our loved ones come back to Jesus seems impossible. How can we help them on their journey? We all know someone who has followed a path that leads away from Jesus Christ. We strive to love them, support them, and eventually bring them back to the Savior—but all… Continue reading

Where You Look Is Where You’ll Go

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Setting our focus on our Savior and our eternal potential can give us the direction we need to help us navigate our lives. Eat. Sleep. Work. Repeat.  There are times when that is all my life feels like. I go to work, I go to class, I come home, and… Continue reading

Following the Spirit to Comfort Others

Sun behind white wispy clouds drifting over a blue sky

Sometimes a little comfort is all you need to make it through a particularly bad day, week, month, or even year. The Holy Spirit is quiet, but if we let it, it can make a powerful difference in our lives. Not only does it help us to make hard decisions… Continue reading

Our Intuition Is a Gift: Judge Righteously

a gavel on a white marble background

Spiritual promptings and our own intuition are gifts from God to keep us safe. Let us trust ourselves while still respecting others as children of God. Recently, I took my car to the dealership for a routine service appointment when an older man approached me and struck up conversation. As… Continue reading