5 Ways to Guard Against Lust

Young couple laughing

Combating lust will help us develop true love and grow closer to the Spirit. Lust isn’t something we generally like to think or talk about. It’s dark and alluring at the same time. However, talking about lust can lead to understanding it, which can lead to a greater ability to… Continue reading

Pornography Is Not Love

landscape photo of a desolate land

Chop down the tree of pornography by cutting off the roots of lust. Through Christ’s healing and forgiveness, you can overcome pornography addiction. Pornography addiction is a real issue that affects us all in some way: it can destroy self-worth, relationships, and—most importantly—true love. In his address “Place No More… Continue reading

Single and Still Faithful

In a church that focuses so much on dating, marriage, and family, how can you avoid feeling discouraged when you are single? Being single is often difficult for members of the Church, no matter their age. Even as a young adult, you may feel unwanted and doubt that you will… Continue reading

Relationships and Peeling Grapefruit

Grapefruit and pomegranate design

We all have tiffs at some time or another with family, friends, or our significant other. But are all of these issues really significant? Having problems with your boyfriend or girlfriend, fiancé, or spouse? Have you ever openly talked about the differences that might cause rifts in your relationship? Once… Continue reading

Sexual Purity: Why It Matters

Picture of two wedding rings on a rock

Sexual purity is ordained of God; learning the doctrine can help us understand why. With the world’s changing views of marriage and sex, it can be easy to lose sight of why chastity is so important—and why keeping sexual intimacy within marriage between a man and a woman is part of… Continue reading

Marriage: Then and Now

shot of bride and groom feet

By using “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” as our standard, we can see how far off-center the world’s idea of marriage has become, how it got there, and how we need to define marriage today.  A judicial system has to balance social and individual interests—the good of the… Continue reading

What the Temple Can Teach Us about Marriage

In the current turbulent discussions surrounding marriage, it can be pretty hard to know what that relationship should really look like. Fortunately, we can look to the temple.  With so many models of marriage being proposed today, it can be hard for any of us to understand what an ideal… Continue reading

Why Save Sex for Marriage?

A man and woman walking through a forest together

Waiting until marriage to have sex will improve your relationship. Popular culture in television, music, literature, and art glorifies casual sex and sends the message that it is fun and satisfying to have an intimate relationship with someone before marriage. However, religion and social science studies make stronger arguments that… Continue reading

Education for Women Takes a Variety of Forms

two girls at graduation in green gowns

What kinds of educational experiences will prepare young-adult women for any future? For women, making decisions about studying at a university, aiming for a career, and raising a family can be tough. While each person’s circumstances are different, all women can benefit from gaining an education to prepare for the… Continue reading