When Worry Wins

We all experience anxiety. But when anxiety dictates your actions, you need to find help.   According to mental health specialist Lyle J. Burrup, “anxiety is a normal human emotion” that can grow to become a debilitating disorder that “impedes normal functioning.” In his Ensign article “Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders,” Burrup… Continue reading

Your Body Is Not a Battleground

Fighting an eating disorder can sometimes seem like you’re fighting yourself. Luckily, you’re not the only one in the ring. In a world that advertises a strict standard of perfection, it’s easy to find ways you don’t fit the mold. This fault-finding attitude can have devastating effects on our mental… Continue reading

Combating Suicide

Man sitting alone on bench in darkness

The LDS Church has recently launched a new webpage, “Preventing Suicide,” to combat suicide and its traumatic effects.  Suicide is difficult for many of us to talk about—perhaps because we don’t want to be vulnerable, make others uncomfortable, or say the wrong thing to someone who we know is struggling.… Continue reading