The Adventure Lasts a Lifetime

The call to adventure is inside you, beckoning you toward a glorious destiny. Don’t let your fear of dragons keep you from it.

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok

In every culture and age, humans have told and turned to stories for inspiration. Perhaps we hold on to stories because, in each of us, there is a fierce belief that our own life is a grand adventure.

In his talk “Your Great Adventure,” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf likens our own stories to the story of Bilbo Baggins from the beloved book The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien. Elder Uchtdorf speaks about the universal call to adventure we’ve received in this marvelous adventure called life. He says, “There are many bends in this road. There are hills, valleys, and detours. There may even be metaphorical spiders, trolls, and even a dragon or two. But if you stay on the path and trust in God, you will eventually find the way to your glorious destiny.”

Before this life we already chose to embark on this grand adventure. The call inside each of us, a remnant of that time, requires that we do more than just walk through life, letting it happen around us. Instead we must be active participants, always pushing and striving to live fully to fulfill a glorious destiny. 

It is not easy. We knew that then, and we know that now. But as Elder Uchtdorf says, “Even when you fail, you can choose not to give up, but rather discover your courage, press forward, and rise up. That is the great test of the journey.”

Whatever trials you face in this journeybe they metaphorical dragons or seemingly eternal detours—nothing is insurmountable. Your call to adventure is inside of you; your glorious destiny awaits you. This is the adventure that lasts a lifetime; don’t miss it.

Discover more about the adventure that awaits each of us in Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk “Your Great Adventure.”


—Kjanela Fawcett, Latter-day Saint Insights


Find more insights 

Find further insight into creating a happy ending for your life in “The Books of our Lives” by Sharon G. Samuelson.

Read and watch “Come, Join With Us” by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf to see how to invite others to join us in this adventure. 

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  1. Pingback: Wanting Eternal Life - Latter-day Saint Insights

  2. Thank you for your article! I like what you said about being active participants in our lives and how we chose to come here. Life can be hard, but it is also an opportunity to grow and conquer those challenges.

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