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The Only Goal That Matters

"There is no greater goal in mortality than to live eternally with our Heavenly Parents and our beloved Savior." M. Russell Ballard

Photo by Fernando Reyes

When we become uncertain, overwhelmed, or lost in this life, we can reorient ourselves toward the goal that matters: returning to Christ.

For as long as I can remember, I have had some goal that I was working toward. First it was to be more involved in my small community. Then it was to get grades that would qualify me for a scholarship. After that, it was to finish college. I am about to graduate from college—completing my latest goal—and, for the first time in my life, I don’t have a new goal.

I don’t know where exactly I want to go, or what exactly I want to do. More than anything, I am afraid of the unknown, and so the thought of having no goal or plan is scary. At least, the thought was scary until I read Elder M. Russell Ballard‘s talk from April 2017 general conference, “Return and Receive.”

Elder Ballard’s words have cleared away my fog of uncertainty and fear: “I testify there is no greater goal in mortality,” he says, “than to live eternally with our Heavenly Parents and our beloved Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” The goal is that simple; return to our Father’s presence and be worthy to receive those eternal blessings.

I know I am not the only one with a fear of the unknown, nor am I the only person who feels a bit purposeless at times. With the simple truths Elder Ballard gives, we don’t need to feel lost or uncertain. As he says, “Knowing where you are going and how you expect to get there can bring meaning, purpose, and accomplishment to life.” We each desire to return to our Heavenly Father, and we can each get there by obeying his commandments and keeping our covenants.

As I struggle to find direction, to make a goal, or to figure out a plan, I know that the only goal that really matters in the end is this one: Live in a way that allows me to return home.

Read Elder M. Russell Ballard’s full talk “Return and Receive.”

Source: LDS General Conference

—Natalie Kokol, Mormon Insights

feature image by pascal swier

Find more insights

Read BrookeAnn Henrikson’s Mormon Insights article “After the Checklist: What’s Next.”

Read President Dieter F. Uchtdorf‘s talk “On Being Genuine” for greater understanding of better goals.

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