Unleashing Our Potential Energy

Just as we all have the potential to make the most of each day, we also have the potential to become true disciples of Jesus Christ. But how do we do this?

Photo by Toa Heftiba

Have you ever lain on your bed at the end of a long day and realized you didn’t accomplish what you had wanted to? The beginning of your day had seemed so promising, but you kept pushing off important tasks or letting opportunities slip by. Just as we all have the potential to make the most of each day, we also have the potential to become true disciples of Jesus Christ. But how do we do this?

Elder Dale G. Renlund uses the metaphor of a bonfire in his talk “Abound with Blessings” to discuss our potential. All the wood, tinder, and kindling contains the potential energy to create fire, but it won’t unleash that energy until someone strikes a match—a small, simple action that leads to a roaring bonfire (see Alma 37:6). Elder Renlund instructs us that “to receive a desired blessing from God,” even if that blessing is simply the assurance that we’ve done his will, we must “act with faith, striking the metaphorical match.”

Some of these small and simple acts of faith that Elder Renlund challenges us to do include taking advantage of the Church’s two-hour meeting schedule and Come, Follow Me study materials. “It is up to us to claim these blessings. We are each responsible to open and study Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families, along with the scriptures and other Come, Follow Me material.” These simple acts of faith are important steps in the journey to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

Have you struck the match by using Come, Follow Me in your personal study? See the difference it makes in your discipleship—and your day—as you unleash your potential energy.

Read more about potential blessings in Elder Dale G. Renlund’s full talk “Abound with Blessings.”

Source: ChurchofJesusChrist.org

—Brittany Passmore, Latter-day Saint Insights


Find more insights

Learn more about Come, Follow Me and the shortened church meeting schedule in Elder Quentin L. Cook’s talk “Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Take a look at Elder David A. Bednar’s talk “Ask in Faith” to learn more about the important sequence of first acting in faith and then receiving spiritual power and blessings.

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