Women holding a leaf in shape of a heart.

Your Wonderful, Imperfect Offering

“You don’t have to be perfect or the greatest person who ever graced the earth or the best of anything to be with Him.” —Elder D. Todd Christofferson

I often make the mistake of equating productivity with self-worth. There are obvious problems with this kind of thinking—one being that humans were not designed to be machines that are always “on.” The other is paradoxical—to really understand our self-worth, sometimes we need to do nothing.

Fire against a snowy landscape with a quote by D. Todd Christofferson that says, "Sit with the Lord and let Him warm you like a fire in winter."

Photo by Graham Padmore

In his article “Be at Peace,” Elder D. Todd Christofferson invites us to take a step back from all that we are doing—school, work, church service, family responsibilities—to spend some time with the Savior. “Sit for a few quiet moments,” he writes, “and let the Savior’s Spirit warm you and reassure you of the worthiness of your service, of your offering, of your life.”

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed or to think that what you bring to the table isn’t enough. Elder Christofferson reminds us to ponder the humble beginnings of the Savior’s life, “to just think about that baby in the manger.” He continues, “Do not be too concerned or overwhelmed with what is coming in His life or in yours. Instead, take a peaceful moment to contemplate perhaps the most serene moment in the history of the world.”

My prayers often turn into an anxious laundry list of all of my failings, and I think there is a time and a place for that in prayer. But Elder Christofferson reminds us that one of the gifts of the Atonement is that the Savior understands us perfectly, so we don’t really have to say anything. Instead, we can revel in the gift of just being with him. And sometimes, that’s all we need.

Read Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s article “Be at Peace” for more on how to draw comfort from the baby in the manger. 

Source: Ensign

—Anessa Pennington, Latter-day Saint Insights


Find more insights
Read Kayla Echols’s article “The Miracle of Peace about how peace can come as an answer to our prayers.

Take a look at Brett Peper Ruff’s article “He is the Way” about relying on the Savior for strength. 


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