Do I Have To?
We often selfishly ask ourselves if the commandments to love and serve others really apply to us. The Savior lovingly reminds us that they do. Two very different people each asked an unassuming and easily justifiable question. One asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Another asked, “And who is my...
Failing on the Path to Perfection
Why keep trying if we just keep failing? BYU’s new president, Kevin J Worthen, explains the surprising role failure can play in our quest for perfection. In a January 2015 devotional, Brigham Young University president Kevin J Worthen addresses the tricky relationship between perfection and failure. Jesus Christ taught us to...
Conquering Comparison
“Charity renders powerless this temptation to compare.” –J. B. Haws If you have ever been caught in the trap of self-demeaning comparison, you are in good company—it’s a shared human weakness. If we are to become like Christ, we need to overcome the tendency to compare ourselves to others. But...
The Lord’s Joyous Message
The divine message of the gospel is the good news we’ve all been waiting for. Share it with everyone around you—boldly, genuinely, and persistently. In his April 1972 general conference talk, “A Missionary and His Message,” Elder Hugh B. Brown recounted an experience he had while serving as a young...
Called to the Cavalry
You don’t need a name tag, satchel, and pair of walking shoes to effectively share the gospel. When my dad was in high school, he was less active in the Church. At the end of his senior year, a friend encouraged him to pray and ask if God exists. “If...
Learning to Let It Go
Vulnerability does not mean weakness. Being open and honest may be the cure to the disease of perfectionism. Have you struggled with comparison, perfectionism, or the need to keep up a façade of someone who seems to have it all together? Brené Brown, a researcher whose work is highlighted in...