Spreading God’s Love on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day can be a lonely holiday for many of God’s children, but we can help the people in need all around us to feel God’s love on this holiday. When I was young, Valentine’s Day was my favorite holiday. My mom would get up early in the morning to...

The Best Christmas Gifts Only Christ Can Give

The truest desires of our hearts often can’t be bought and placed under the Christmas tree, but they can become a reality because of Jesus Christ. I have a very distinct memory of asking my dad what he wanted for Christmas one year. He simply said, “I just want you...

Christ, the Universal Savior: Lessons from Third Nephi

Jesus Christ’s presence as an active character in Third Nephi proves the Book of Mormon’s purpose of inviting all to come unto Christ.   When I was a missionary, my companion and I met every week with a recently baptized young adult. Our friend struggled with reading, so we would study...

Get on Your Knees and Face It

When life is beating you down, relying on the Lord through prayer can help you confront your trials. A highlight of this week’s Come, Follow Me lesson is the classic scripture 3 Nephi 5:13, which starts off, “For behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.” It’s clear why this...

Lessons from Pahoran: Accepting Feedback with Humility

If we follow Pahoran’s example and practice humility, we can improve our lives and collaborate better with others.  One of the most unexpected lessons I’ve had to learn as an editor is that I need to be just as comfortable receiving feedback as giving it. Editing is a collaborative effort,...
We’re Better Together

We’re Better Together

Fostering an atmosphere of inclusion and respect will help members of the Church achieve greater unity with one another and with those not of our faith. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a long history of love and service. While its members aren’t perfect, the Church’s doctrinal...
Becoming Ambitious for Christ

Becoming Ambitious for Christ

The world demands that we be ambitious if we want to be successful, but what would happen if we focused our ambitions on Christ? When American academic William S. Clark went to Japan in 1874, he left his students with a rousing speech. The most famous part of that speech...
Ancient Witnesses of Joseph Smith

Ancient Witnesses of Joseph Smith

Just as we are blessed with knowledge of the past, ancient prophets were blessed with knowledge of the future. Joseph F. McConkie (1941–2013) was an emeritus professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University when he researched the connection between ancient prophets and Joseph Smith. Through revelation, ancient prophets learned...
Figuring Out Doctrine: What It Is and What It Isn’t

Figuring Out Doctrine: What It Is and What It Isn’t

How can we tell what is true doctrine, what is false doctrine, or what is simply cultural tradition? Many people inside and outside of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wonder what constitutes “Mormon doctrine.” With information available from many different websites, books, and people, they often have...
The Importance of Spiritual Experiences

The Importance of Spiritual Experiences

How can we use spiritual experiences to gain strength in moments of doubt and uncertainty? Years ago, I was sitting in church and singing “I Know That My Redeemer Lives.” When I sang, “He lives to silence all my fears. He lives to calm my troubled heart,” I felt encompassing...
How to Make Your Watchlist Something to Be Proud Of

How to Make Your Watchlist Something to Be Proud Of

The movies and TV shows we watch carry messages with them, ranging from good to bad and from beautiful to ugly. With an array of options to choose from, how can we best curate a watchlist worthy of our time? Compiling watchlists has become a sort of hobby of mine....