Remembering the Relief Society: How to Incorporate Women’s History into Church History

With Pioneer Day around the corner, let’s remember the role women have played in Church history—beyond entering the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. A few years ago, I had never heard the names of Zina D. H. Young (third Relief Society General President and suffragette), Jennie Brimhall Knight (one of...

How Can I “Think Celestial”?

In the face of adversity, it can be difficult to believe that God loves and wants the best for us. We can manage this doubt by thinking celestial. I had a rough year in 2019 (little did I know what 2020 had coming for us all!): my family moved from...

Faith Like King Lamoni’s Wife

When I needed advice, King Lamoni’s wife provided an example that taught me how to receive personal revelation. One courageous woman in the Book of Mormon who sometimes gets overlooked is the wife of King Lamoni. Her husband believed what the missionary, Ammon, taught him about Jesus Christ and his...

What Heavenly Mother Teaches Us About the Plan of Salvation

By knowing what church leaders say about Heavenly Mother, we can know our place in the Plan of Salvation. Latter-day Saint Insights has published several articles detailing who Heavenly Mother is, how we venerate her, and how knowing about her can help us. Each article provides keen insights about Heavenly...

Experiment upon the Words of God

As we implement the commandments in our lives, we can understand the blessings God promises to the obedient. As a chemist, my dad tests hypotheses about compounds to better understand how they react with one another. He doesn’t know the outcome of an experiment until he completes the procedures. Just...
The People-Pleaser’s Guide to Saying No

The People-Pleaser’s Guide to Saying No

Are you a people-pleaser? Do you have a hard time saying no or setting boundaries? This one’s for you (and for me). Do you ever find yourself exhausted or stretched too thin from all your responsibilities? You’re not alone. If you’re like me, your eyes are often too big for...
Engaging Autistic Church Members

Engaging Autistic Church Members

Sometimes it can be difficult to help autistic kids be active in the church. What can parents, ward members, and Church leaders do?
Sibling Power

Sibling Power

Your siblings have the power to shape you. You have the power to make or break them. Find out how two brothers went from worst enemies to best friends. They may get on your nerves, but you’re stuck with them forever. Siblings can have a tendency to quarrel because they...
Finding Strength in Healing

Finding Strength in Healing

It’s easy to assume that our broken situation is our only situation and that asking for help is a sign of weakness. What if we restructured these assumptions to see asking for help as a source of strength and healing? Seeking help can feel difficult in a world full of...
Healing from Addiction

Healing from Addiction

When pornography addiction makes us feel broken, we can find healing through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. When a plague of fiery serpents befell the ancient Israelites, the Lord gave Moses a solution: make a serpent of brass, fix it to a pole, then invite those who have been bitten...
How to Manage Stress by Turning to Christ

How to Manage Stress by Turning to Christ

When the pressure and stress of daily life are overwhelming, we can turn to Christ to find peace and relief. He promises that with his help, we can persevere and grow through our trials.  Something that I’ve recently learned about myself is that I can find a reason to be...