Sharing the Christian Message—Hand in Hand
Latter-day Saints share many of the same beliefs as other religions, including our stance on the family. We can work together as religious people to share elements of the gospel with the world. As the fight for the family becomes more heated in modern society, people of different religions...

Swimming with the Prophet
I learned from a dream that the prophet can’t take away our trials but that he can help us thrive during them. I was caught in a raging river in the dead of night, the only light the pale disc of the moon. Despite being an excellent swimmer, I thrashed...

What Can I Do to Help?
“For those of us who have watched news of recent events and have felt helpless to know what to do, the answer might actually be right before us.” —Bonnie L. Oscarson What can one person do against the impossibly dark flood of war, disease, poverty, and hate? Christ answers with...

Keep Christ at the Center
During the ups and downs we all cycle through, we must always keep Christ at the center and as the foundation of our lives. The gospel of Jesus Christ is full of good news, but more than anything else, Christ is our good news—the best news. But for all the...

How Prophets Help Us Differentiate Skunks from Kitty Cats
The adversary tries to make good appear evil and evil appear good, but if we listen to our prophets, we won’t be fooled. In his conference address “Deceive Me Not,” Elder Gary E. Stevenson tells the story of his sons who wanted to go outside to play at their great-uncle’s...

Accepting Your Emotions as Human
Accepting that we have negative feelings doesn’t mean we have a bad attitude or lack faith. As human beings, we often feel sad, frustrated, angry, or disappointed. We also hear oft-repeated advice to grin and bear it, count our blessings, or have more faith in response to our negative emotions....