Questions Got You Down? Look Up for the Truth
We live in a world where fact-checking has never been more important. But with the wealth of information available at our fingertips, where do we go to find real truth? In a society overloaded with information from every medium possible, where do we turn for the truth? Social media is...

How to Find Meaning in Your Job
The job we’re paid to do can, at times, seem meaningless and monotonous. How can we find a lasting sense of purpose? We wake up every weekday morning earlier than we’d like, dress in clothes we likely wouldn’t wear otherwise, and go to jobs we’d rather not do. Maybe we...

4 Ways to Help Gather Israel
What does it mean to gather Israel? President Russell M. Nelson invites us to do four things to help us gather scattered Israel.

Becoming All In: Turning toward the Savior
When we fall short of divine expectations, we can turn toward the Savior to be lifted up in his perfect love. Often we find ourselves not quite meeting mortal and divine expectations. We can become burdened with sin, shortcomings, and imperfections. We feel alone and forgotten, too weak to climb...

Our Guiding Mistakes
Because of the Savior, we have infinite opportunities to learn from our mistakes. We all make mistakes. But this fact is not a mistake in the plan of salvation for humankind. In his talk “Until Seventy Times Seven,” Elder Lynn G. Robbins explains that “repentance isn’t [God’s] backup plan in...

Healing from Addiction
When pornography addiction makes us feel broken, we can find healing through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. When a plague of fiery serpents befell the ancient Israelites, the Lord gave Moses a solution: make a serpent of brass, fix it to a pole, then invite those who have been bitten...