Stop the Judgment: How to Help Couples without Children Feel They Belong
Couples without children may feel out of place in church and family circles. We can help them by showing greater sensitivity in our words and actions. During the past year, my husband and I wanted to have kids, but for a while, we were unable to realize our dream. This...

Teach Me All That I Must Know…or Do?
While knowledge is important, it is not enough; we must act on what we know in order to return to live with our Father in Heaven. Do you know the story of the children’s hymn “I am a Child of God”? Sister Naomi Randall wrote the hymn in 1957. The...

Contest Winner: God Is Love
God can seem like an impersonal, unknowable being in the sky. But we can find peace during our hardest times as we seek to understand him as our Father, who loves us individually. My pre-teenage concept of God was perhaps a little irreverent, but it nonetheless sculpted my dutiful, strained relationship with...

Sisters, No Effort Is Lost
While we may not always feel the significance of the little things we do, God keeps a perfect record and none of our efforts are lost. Have you ever gotten stuck thinking about all the people you neglected to help or about the things you failed to get done in...

Unknowingly Prepared
I had no idea the Lord had been preparing me to enter the temple. Now I see how he led me step by step. I guess you could say I was in a rut. I did the same thing every day: school, work, homework, sleep. Meanwhile, my friends were going...

When the Economy Goes Down, We Look Up
When the economy takes a turn for the worse, it feels like everything is falling apart, but we can rely on God and grow from these unexpected experiences. COVID-19 is an epidemic virus that has affected the world and has shut down many businesses throughout the world. Because of the...