The Illusion of Waiting
Although we may have to wait for some blessings, we need not stand still. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all had to put our lives on hold in one way or another. However, pandemic or not, at times we may feel perpetually stuck in the waiting...

A Palestinian’s Journey to Conversion
We can help others on their journey by understanding their background. Every individual who has developed a relationship with God has struggled on his or her own precious journey. Johnny A. Bahbah, a Palestinian Arab, explains his conversion to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in an article...

Why Can’t I Just Be Perfect?
From childhood, I had done my best to be “perfect.” But Heavenly Father subtly reminded me that imperfections were steppingstones to eternal life. As a kid, I was always happy and helpful, and as my mother called me “the angel child.” Somehow though, I took that nickname to heart in the worst...

Stumbling Toward Heavenly Father
Struggling with mental illness does not mean you have a broken spirit. But how do we avoid feeling that way? We are all aware that life is not easy. Everyone experiences hard times and difficult trials. But for some of us, mental illness can make those dark times all the...

Creating a Community of Covenant-Keeping People
By keeping our covenants with God, we open the doors to a shared community of belonging with God and with each other. In an increasingly individualized society, it may be difficult to see how any of us can truly connect with and understand one another. However, we can create a...

Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice
Here’s why we should always remember the prophet’s latest message. I recently heard a story about a member of the Church who was asked by a friend if God spoke to people in the church. This member responded, “Yes, he speaks to us through the living prophet.” The friend then...