They’re Your Feet on the Path
Growing up, people used to tell us to follow our dreams. Now they want us to “be realistic.” However, it’s fully realistic to live a life that includes following our dreams. “You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you...

The Purpose of Relief Society: Moving His Work Forward
The Relief Society, the world’s longest-running organization for women, has recently made changes to its purpose statement. One hundred seventy-five years ago, on March 17, 1842, Joseph Smith formally organized early Latter-day Saint women into an organization called Relief Society. Today, this organization is still blessing the lives of millions of people...

Five Ways to Understand Your Identity
Learn how to overcome your struggles by understanding your eternal identity more deeply. In his 2012 BYU Education Week devotional address, Elder Tad R. Callister, then serving as a member of the Presidency of the Seventy, taught that when we understand our eternal identity, we are able overcome most of...

How a Priesthood Blessing from a Stranger Changed My Life
After endlessly praying for help on a life decision, my answer came in a completely unexpected way—a priesthood blessing from a stranger.

Reaching in the Savior’s Way
When we practice empathy, we actually practice loving in a divine way. In a world enamored with contention and discord, it can be difficult to feel God’s inclusive love for all of His children. Between cancel culture, competing media, and increasingly polarized views, we can find ourselves “othering,” or alienating,...

3 Ways to Improve Your Scripture Study
Know Christ by knowing how to study the scriptures. I started reading the scriptures on my own when I was twelve. I opened a copy of the Book of Mormon, and in about a year I’d read it from cover to cover. When I finished, I took a two-week break...