As young adults, we may feel afraid of the many decisions we have to make. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf offers us a perspective that can calm our fears and change our approach to decision-making.

Photo by Caleb Jones
If God told me what to do, I would do it. That thought often runs through my mind when I need to make a difficult decision. But when God tells me to make my own choice, I feel like I’ve been left without guidance, which can be terrifying.
When I read Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s 2019 Ensign article, “Your Adventure through Mortality,” I felt relieved. My fears subsided and I started to make decisions with more confidence.
What changed? I realized that, when I have more than one good option to choose from, God will support me in whatever I choose. Elder Uchtdorf says, “In many cases, the decisions you make may not be as important as what you do after making the decisions.” In other words, God really cares that we make the best of the choices we have made. Elder Uchtdorf explains that as we proceed with faith and make the most of our decisions, we will be able to see how the dots connect when we look back.
All this has been true in my life. In the lonely times when I have had to gather my courage and move forward into the dark, I have found that God is not far away. He blesses each step I take, and we become a team. I exercise my faith, and he makes my life beautiful.
Read Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s 2019 Ensign article, “Your Adventure through Mortality,” to find assurance about the future and learn more about why we don’t need to be afraid of decisions.
Source: Ensign
—Emma Freestone, Latter-day Saint Insights
Find more insights
Read “How to Make Inspired Decisions and Interpret Personal Revelation” by Rachel Rubio from Latter-day Saint Insights to learn how to receive personal revelation when making decisions.
Read Elder Jose A. Teixeira’s 2009 general conference address, “Gifts to Help Us Navigate Our Life,” to learn about the tools we have to help us make decisions.