In the midst of my battle with pornography, a sacred hymn let me know that I was loved. You wouldn’t have recognized me that Sunday in Los Angeles. I was 19. I had tangled, unkempt hair that came down past my shoulders and a bushy beard that hid most of… Continue reading
For those who have been wounded in the trap of pornography, there is hope for healing, no matter how serious the injury. The word “pornography” is often associated with addiction. Pornography addiction is a serious and real problem. However, “addiction” doesn’t necessarily describe every user, and the term shouldn’t be… Continue reading
Mormon Insights is published by students in the capstone course of the editing minor at Brigham Young University (BYU). Every member of the Fall 2015 Mormon Insights staff (above) assisted with planning, writing, editing, and designing articles; publishing them on the Internet; and promoting them through social media. Photos by Lauren… Continue reading
Vulnerability does not mean weakness. Being open and honest may be the cure to the disease of perfectionism. Have you struggled with comparison, perfectionism, or the need to keep up a façade of someone who seems to have it all together? Brené Brown, a researcher whose work is highlighted in… Continue reading
When a vacancy opens in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the process of choosing a new apostle is guided by heavenly inspiration. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is organized in the same way that Jesus Christ organized… Continue reading
Elder Gary E. Stevenson, recently called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, plans “to focus not on what I can’t do but rather on what I can do. I can testify of the plain and precious truths of the gospel.” Elder Gary E. Stevenson was called to serve as the… Continue reading