How Can I “Think Celestial”?

The Christus statue from the Salt Lake Temple visitor's center

In the face of adversity, it can be difficult to believe that God loves and wants the best for us. We can manage this doubt by thinking celestial. I had a rough year in 2019 (little did I know what 2020 had coming for us all!): my family moved from… Continue reading

Witnessing the Power of Community Care

The Lord has blessed us with friends and neighbors to strengthen us when the floods of life—literal or metaphorical—threaten to overwhelm us. I’d never truly understood the destructive power of water until I witnessed it submerge my hometown under seven feet of water. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey overtook many homes… Continue reading

Perfection Is Not a Prerequisite

puzzle pieces

Focusing on God’s promises can help you access the power of Jesus Christ—even when perfectionism tells you you’re not enough. My friend was doing everything she thought she should be—attending church regularly, praying and studying the scriptures daily, and striving to keep her covenants—but she still felt like she was… Continue reading

How Do I Keep My Testimony?

Hand grabbing fruit

Though it may seem counterintuitive, the best way to keep a testimony is to share it.  I remember the first time I shared my testimony. I was at recess in first grade, and something about the trees reminded me of what I had learned about the First Vision. When I… Continue reading

God Loves You

Silhouette of Man standing on rock during sunset

In our modern, ever-changing world, there are many things that can cause us to doubt our self-worth. When this happens, remember that your Heavenly Parents love you. There’s so much going on in this modern world, and it’s so filled with challenges and trials that we can easily find ourselves… Continue reading

Taking Control of Our Thoughts

We can be empowered to take control over our own thoughts and increase our spiritual connection to God. Some days it feels like everywhere I turn I’m being overwhelmed by information. Sometimes my mind can’t take it, and I feel like I’ve lost control of my own thoughts. But I’ve… Continue reading

Learning to Love the Commandments

The commandments may seem restrictive, but if we can recognize them as a gift from a loving Heavenly Father, we can see them in a new light.  We live in the world of the individual. We take pride in our personal freedoms, explore our unique interests, and direct our own… Continue reading

The Lord’s Joyous Message

Passing a Book of Mormon

The divine message of the gospel is the good news we’ve all been waiting for. Share it with everyone around you—boldly, genuinely, and persistently. In his April 1972 general conference talk, “A Missionary and His Message,” Elder Hugh B. Brown recounted an experience he had while serving as a young… Continue reading

Is He Really My Savior?

Time lapse photography of person standing near train

I’ve grown up believing that Christ is my Redeemer, but sometimes it’s hard to believe that he can actually save me. In psychology, a flashbulb memory refers to a vivid memory of a past moment, usually a shocking or emotionally charged event. I have a flashbulb memory from when I… Continue reading