Joseph Smith’s Journals: Records of Revelation
Joseph Smith, the Prophet of the Restoration, provided a clear view into the roots of our faith through his detailed record keeping. There are many unanswered questions surrounding Joseph Smith, the Latter-day prophet and founder of the LDS Church. Inquiries arise consistently about his character, his actions, and his role...

Creativity: A Link to Father in Heaven
Not everyone is a master in the arts, but everyone is born with a spirit bursting with creativity. Unlocking this gift can help us establish a closer connection to our Heavenly Father. Some people don’t think they are very creative because they can’t play a musical instrument or have never...

Building Healthy Community through a Gospel of Beauty
Building a healthy community may mean asking for help—Minerva Teichert did just that, helping her paint a gospel of beauty through her art. Building a healthy community means supporting one another, but it begins by having the courage to ask for help. In Laura Paulsen Howe’s article “I Have Dreamed...

The Importance of Spiritual Experiences
How can we use spiritual experiences to gain strength in moments of doubt and uncertainty? Years ago, I was sitting in church and singing “I Know That My Redeemer Lives.” When I sang, “He lives to silence all my fears. He lives to calm my troubled heart,” I felt encompassing...

Stormy Days and Mountain Waves: Finding Strength
We were created to withstand and overcome even our most challenging trials. Have you ever asked the question, “How could God let this happen?” I have. I was 17 and struggling with severe depression, and I couldn’t understand why God didn’t just take it away and help me feel normal...

He Will Give You Rest: Recovering from Abuse
Jesus Christ eases the burdens and pains of abuse. You can find hope and healing as you recover. My journey to recovery after suffering abuse in my early twenties has been one of the most difficult experiences of my life. Even when I removed myself from the abusive situation, I...