The dedication of the Paris France Temple is a wonderful reminder of the true joy temples can bring to all of God’s children.

Photo courtesy of LDS Media Library
There’s nothing quite like getting a temple close by. And for the Saints in France, a new temple has just been dedicated in Paris, the City of Lights. According to the Mormon Newsroom article “Paris France Temple Is Dedicated,” President Henry B. Eyring performed the temple dedication on May 21, 2017.
As I looked at the highlights of the temple dedication, I was reminded of my experiences at the Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple dedication on September 18, 2016, and the roller coaster of emotions that the new temple brought. I remember the day the temple was announced, the day we got the first sketch, the day of the groundbreaking, and our numerous trips to Philadelphia to peek at the construction. I grew more excited about temples and temple worship as our stake set goals to prepare for the temple. And though I was no longer living at home when the Philadelphia Temple was finally dedicated, I made the trip with my husband to attend. With the knowledge about the marvelous sealing and endowment covenants that I had gained since the temple’s announcement, I was in a much better position to appreciate the blessings a temple brought to Philadelphia.
And now I am incredibly excited for the French Saints and their new temple. Having this house of worship nearby is such a blessing; even just to walk on the grounds and feel the love of the Savior on a busy day brings such a special feeling.
Truly, every temple is an extension of God’s hand, extended toward us as an invitation to serve and to grow closer to him.
Learn more about the Paris France Temple Dedication in Mormon Newsroom’s news release “Paris France Temple Is Dedicated.”
Source: Mormon Newsroom
—Liz Blodgett, Mormon Insights
feature image by sarah jane weaver
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Curious about temple design and construction? Read Mormon Newsroom’s report “The Process of Building a Mormon Temple.”
Learn more about the doctrine and teachings of temples in the Gospel Topics article about temples on
Go to the temple homepage on to learn about temples around the world.
Learn more about the first temple in latter days in Annalisa Olivieri’s Mormon Insights article “Joseph Smith and the Kirtland Temple.”
Read “What the Temple Can Teach Us About Marriage,” a Mormon Insights article by Leah Welker.