Following the Spirit to Comfort Others

Sun behind white wispy clouds drifting over a blue sky

Sometimes a little comfort is all you need to make it through a particularly bad day, week, month, or even year. The Holy Spirit is quiet, but if we let it, it can make a powerful difference in our lives. Not only does it help us to make hard decisions… Continue reading

Steady in Faith

Stormy sea rushing up to a coastline.

Now is the time to build a firm foundation of faith. When strong storms occur, we can stand steady on our rock of faith in Jesus Christ. Because God intends for us to grow and progress in our earthly journey, we will inevitably face trials throughout our lives. Furthermore, we… Continue reading

How You Can Be A Missionary by Using the Correct Name of the Church

young women walking

Using the correct name of the Church brings more spiritual blessings than we realize. Since President Russell M. Nelson’s reemphasis on using the correct name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Church has updated everything from email domains to teaching materials in order to follow the… Continue reading

Pulling Life’s Weeds by Facing Trials

A father and son kneel next to each other as they work in the garden.

Sometimes the trials we face feel too heavy for us to carry, but those very trials are what strengthen us.  While I was growing up, “spring break” meant “spring cleaning” at my house. We lived on just under two acres of land, and those two acres put up a fight.… Continue reading

Grieve with Faith

Faith can help us find comfort during the hardship and trouble that grief brings to our lives. Grieving is a process that almost most people on this earth will have to work through at some point in their lives. Faith can help in this process. However, being able to have… Continue reading

Will Being Holier Really Make Me Happier?

We can increase our personal happiness today by taking the needed steps to become more holy.  “Keeping the commandments makes you happier.” At times, this may feel like a line said by well-meaning parents and leaders simply because they want us to improve our behavior. In fact, we may think… Continue reading

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Pink flowers & grass

Life can sometimes seem overwhelming, and often God asks us to do hard things. So what can we do to find peace? As Christ’s mortal ministry was coming to an end, he promised peace to his disciples. But his peace was different than the peace the world could give. He… Continue reading

Bringing Peace to Those Around Us

The gospel of Jesus Christ can bring peace into both our personal lives and the larger world. Conflict and contention exist at every level of our fallen existence: international conflict, civil unrest, prejudice, discrimination, and broken homes are all around us. As disciples of Christ, we should seek resolutions to… Continue reading

General Conference Roundup: April 2019

“May [Heavenly Father] bless us to strive with patience and persistence toward the ideals we have heard proclaimed this conference weekend.” —Elder Jeffrey R. Holland The 189th Annual General Conference has come to an end. But that doesn’t mean the learning and loving that happens during this sacred weekend has… Continue reading

An Antidote for Pride

We all know pride is a problem, but how do we avoid it? President Eyring has a suggestion. Moroni warned that our dispensation would struggle with pride: “Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. . . . I know that ye do… Continue reading