Artist's depiction of King Lamoni being mourned over by his wife.

Faith Like King Lamoni’s Wife

When I needed advice, King Lamoni’s wife provided an example that taught me how to receive personal revelation.

One courageous woman in the Book of Mormon who sometimes gets overlooked is the wife of King Lamoni. Her husband believed what the missionary, Ammon, taught him about Jesus Christ and his role in God’s plan. After praying for mercy, the king “fell unto the earth, as if he were dead” (Alma 18:41). King Lamoni appeared dead for two days and the people thought it was time to bury him. 

A floral bud inside an oddly shaped clay container sits on a table. Above it, these words are superimposed on the image: "And some say that he is not dead and that he stinketh… but as for myself, to me he doth not stink." —Alma 19:5

Image by Karolina Grabowska

The queen didn’t agree and told Ammon, “others say that he is dead and that he stinketh…but as for myself, to me he doth not stink” (Alma 19:5). Not long after, we learn the Queen was right—the King wasn’t dead! When King Lamoni awoke, he rejoiced in the goodness of God.

In my life, there are various voices trying to give me advice—mentors, friends, social media, etc.; however, I have come to realize that the best advice, customized to my needs, comes from God. As I have turned to God for guidance, I have repeatedly found answers through a Holy Ghost–guided reading of scripture.

One night, I opened my digital scriptures to find answers about a dating situation I was in. I had asked friends, family, and Google for advice, but felt that their advice and experiences weren’t right for me. I had been keeping a plan to myself, but I was afraid to share it with others because it was against what they were advising me.

With these thoughts on my mind, the Lord helped me understand and apply the Queen’s words differently than I had before. They sounded something like this: “others say that [my dating plan is a bad idea] and that [it won’t work]…but as for myself, to me [my plan is a good idea and it doesn’t] stink.”

Although this might seem a little silly, the Holy Ghost was teaching me to trust the promptings I had received for my next steps in dating.

Others have good intentions and valid experiences as they offer their advice, but God is the one who knows what’s right. As I follow promptings, I find that my trust in God increases. I rely on Him more than on the suggestions of other people. I know that as we each follow our personal promptings from God, even when the decision conflicts with opposing opinions, we can move forward with trust in God, knowing that He is on our side.

Read the full chapters in Alma 18 and 19

Source: The Book of Mormon

—Elizabeth Petersen, Winter 2024 Latter-day Saint Insights Contest Winner


Find more insights:

To learn more about following the Holy Ghost to make choices, read Abby Andrus’s Latter-day Saint Insights article Doing as Dancers Do to Make Meaningful Life Changes.

Read or listen to Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s October 2022 General Conference talk “Jesus Christ Is the Strength of Youth” to learn how your choices can strengthen you.

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