Faith Like King Lamoni’s Wife

Artist's depiction of King Lamoni being mourned over by his wife.

When I needed advice, King Lamoni’s wife provided an example that taught me how to receive personal revelation. One courageous woman in the Book of Mormon who sometimes gets overlooked is the wife of King Lamoni. Her husband believed what the missionary, Ammon, taught him about Jesus Christ and his… Continue reading

Hear, Hearken, Obey: A Pattern to Overcome Adversity

Person sitting on a dock looking at a lake

When it feels like our life is cracking under pressure, how do we continue? Sometimes the answer is to submit to the will of God. I was 12 years old when I lost all my friends—for the second year in a row. Another move, another state. With burgeoning depression, I… Continue reading

Doing as Dancers Do to Make Meaningful Life Changes


How can we become in tune with ourselves and focus our attention on what matters most?  “Abby, point your toes, tuck your pelvis, and drop your hip.” Growing up as a dancer, I would often hear these comments from my teachers as I spent countless afternoons in the dance studio.… Continue reading

Why Religion is More Than Just Church Attendance

Church Chapel Religion image.

Research suggests that we can live more satisfied lives if we practice religion at home as well as through church attendance. Oftentimes attending church leaves us feeling enlightened and excited to put the principles we learned into action. But for me, bringing the gospel into my every day—not just Sunday—can… Continue reading

Taking Control of Our Thoughts

We can be empowered to take control over our own thoughts and increase our spiritual connection to God. Some days it feels like everywhere I turn I’m being overwhelmed by information. Sometimes my mind can’t take it, and I feel like I’ve lost control of my own thoughts. But I’ve… Continue reading

Stewardship and the Holy Ghost

White dove with blue sky

As we follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost, he will guide us in our efforts to help loved ones come back to the fold. One of the greatest gifts God has given us is the Holy Ghost. Jesus taught that he would give his disciples the Comforter to “guide… Continue reading

One Thing You’re Forgetting When You Pray

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If you’re praying for God’s healing Balm of Gilead, remember that other people are too. You might be surprised how serving others will call down the power of heaven on your own behalf. Mortality is hard for all of us—nothing we do can earn us a pass from the “sore… Continue reading

Feeling Stuck?

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Although you might not always feel like you’re moving forward, even small steps count as progress. Do you ever feel like life just isn’t going anywhere, like you’re working as hard as you can without making any forward progress? Ashlee Cunningham’s Liahona article “How Do I Know If I’m Moving… Continue reading

Choose to Believe

Questions and choices surround us, but one choice is vital for our spiritual growth: the choice to be willing to believe in Christ. “Why do you believe in God?” The question bursts out before I can stop it. I’m holding back tears, looking desperately at my dad. If anyone had… Continue reading

God Knows. Why Pray?

God knows our needs, but we still need to pray for them. It’s through our efforts and our Savior that he answers our prayers.  Imagine a child trying to lift a heavy box on his or her own. The child may strain and struggle, small arms not able to reach… Continue reading