As we walk in the twilight of uncertainty, how can we have the faith to become the person God would have us be?

Photo by Ian Schneider
Life is full of choices. As young adults, we face a number of uncertainties, such as what we should major in, whether we should take a certain job, and who we should marry. Because each person faces unique circumstances, there is not one universal path that can help us find our major, job, and spouse. The resulting uncertainty can be overwhelming and even frustrating. But there is something that can provide strength and hope through life’s questions: faith in Jesus Christ.
In his speech “To Live Well,” Elder Richard G. Scott says that “[our] faith must be rooted in something secure. There is no more solid foundation than faith in the love Heavenly Father has for you, faith in His plan of happiness, and faith in the willingness and power of Jesus Christ to fulfill all of His promises.” It can be uncomfortable and sometimes frightening to let faith guide our actions, but faith will help us become the person Heavenly Father knows we can be.
Elder Scott addresses several principles of faith, including the following:
- Trusting that God wants to help us in times of need
- Obeying the commandments of God
- Being sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit
- Having patience and understanding when God lets us struggle and grow
These principles help us to develop a character of faith that will sustain us through all of life’s uncertainties. God does not reveal his plan to us all at once but, instead, a little at a time, helping us to learn to trust him as we go along.
Read the rest of Elder Richard G. Scott’s talk “To Live Well” to discover how our faith in God and his plan grants us greater courage to deal with all of life’s questions.
Source: BYU Speeches
—Stephanie Neher, Mormon Insights
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Find more insights
Read President Thomas S. Monson‘s article “Crisis at the Crossroads” to remember the importance of righteous decisions as you make choices for the future.
Read Rachel Rubio’s Mormon Insights article “How to Make Inspired Decisions and Interpret Personal Revelation” for help on how to understand the whisperings of the Spirit when you face uncertainty.
Listen to or read President Russell M. Nelson‘s advice in “Decisions for Eternity” to learn how making faithful decisions is crucial to our spiritual development.
This article brings up excellent points! Something else that helps with these life choices is keeping an eternal perspective. A job offer may not turn out or you may be struggling in your major, but you can have faith that if you are keeping your covenants and doing all you can, it will all work for your good in the end.