Why Choice Matters

Man Standing in Woods

In order to more fully experience joy in this world, we must choose to live the gospel and follow Christ. In today’s world, it’s easy to prioritize choices that will help us either fit in or avoid notice, but that’s not what living the gospel is really about. As Elder… Continue reading

Doctrine in Doubles

Eternal truths can be found when we understand the blessings of Gospel doctrines. We’re very familiar with the phrase in James 2:17: “Faith, if it hath not works, is dead.” But we’re less familiar with the truth that agency without responsibility is also dead—and becomes just a series of decisions.… Continue reading

Creating Faithful Families in a Fear-Filled World

The sky and light visible through tree branches.

The world seems to be spiraling ever downward, but we can have faith that the Lord understands our circumstances and that our families will be protected from the evil around us. Have you ever wondered how your personal family situation fits into God’s plan? It might sometimes feel like Church… Continue reading

How to Take Control of Your Life through Active Decision-Making

Woman with Pen

We have been given the incredible gift of agency from God. When we use this agency to actively make decisions, we enable ourselves and the Lord to guide our lives.  A few years ago I was accepted into a study abroad program, and I had a decision to make: if… Continue reading

Space for Agency: Loving Our LGBTQ Brothers and Sisters

An egg with the words "Come Together" and a wreath of flowers painted on it.

God’s call to love one another and his call to stand for truth seem to clash, but that’s only because we don’t understand that we can love people without conforming to their choices. When I reconnected with an old friend online, she stated that she was saving up for sex… Continue reading

Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?

Trials—those seemingly bad things that happen to us—give us opportunities to learn patience, humility, and faith; ultimately, they teach us how to become more like God.   God is all-powerful and all knowing, right? Yes. And God can stop any bad thing from happening, right? Yes. So that means God… Continue reading

Abortion: Clarity from a Prophet

Quiet the voices of the world and refocus on the sanctity of life by remembering President Russell M. Nelson’s counsel. Today, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are truly peculiar in the eyes of the world. The commandments of God differ from many popular opinions, and… Continue reading

4 Guiding Principles of Church Finances

Volunteers working in a food cannery

The Lord manages his Church through the same principles we should follow in our own lives. Have you ever wondered how tithing is used? And what about the Church’s commercial ventures and massive humanitarian program? The Church’s finances is a topic many people are curious about. Undergirding it all are… Continue reading

When the Answer Is “You Choose”

God will always answer our prayers, but sometimes his answer is that we should decide which choice is best. The other day, I was talking with my dad about an important decision I needed to make. I turned to him because he has always been my confidant and has given… Continue reading

The Gospel and Sexual Assault

A man looking away from the camera

The plan of salvation shapes the way we respond to sexual assault. As society grapples with sexual harassment and sexual assault, Latter-day Saints join with others in condemning such offensive behavior. In a devotional address given at BYU, Benjamin M. Ogles, dean of the College of Family, Home, and Social… Continue reading