If we seek out good, uplifting music, we will likewise see ourselves become good, uplifting people.

Photo by Jessica Lynn Lewis
Could you live in a world without music? I know I couldn’t. In fact, when someone asks me what my favorite kind of music is, I am at a loss for words because I like all different styles, including classical, country, pop, folk, and gospel music. Even though my taste in music is broad, I choose to seek out music that draws the Spirit into my life. If we all make that choice now, we can have increased joy.
In the devotional speech “Power and Protection Provided by Worthy Music,” President Russell M. Nelson says, “Worthy music can provide power and protection for your soul.” He describes worthy music as sounds that make us “humble, prayerful, and grateful.” While we aren’t expected to strictly listen to spiritual arrangements, we should seek out uplifting music that invites the Spirit. The Spirit can empower us to recognize messages that do not align with God’s teachings and can prepare us to stand firmly in holy places through our thoughts, words, and deeds.
When I was in high school, I witnessed music’s powerful influence: One day, my friend told me she went through her playlist and deleted all the songs containing inappropriate messages or uncomfortable rhythms that detracted from the Spirit. I thought about my own playlist and decided to do the same. Afterward, I noticed that my thoughts became more positive and that I was slower to anger with family members and friends. As President Nelson warns, raucous music can negatively affect us. Instead, we should seek out music that pacifies and calms us.
Consider what music is on your playlist. Would you play it around the Savior? The music we choose to surround ourselves with can empower, protect, and mold us into people who are positive and joyful.
Read “Power and Protection Provided by Worthy Music” by President Russell M. Nelson to learn more about how you can cultivate your gift of the Holy Ghost and how music can make us spiritually stronger.
Source: BYU Speeches
—Haley Roper, Latter-day Saint Insights
Find more insights
Check out “Inspiring Music—Worthy Thoughts” by President Boyd K. Packer to discover how music can dull your sensitivity to the Spirit.
Read “Is Media Always Bad?” by Jesse King to learn about making a conscious effort in what you view and listen to in the media.
Watch the beautiful Christmas video of Claire Crosby and President Russell M. Nelson performing “Silent Night” to see one way they uplifted the world through music.
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