How Can I “Think Celestial”?

The Christus statue from the Salt Lake Temple visitor's center

In the face of adversity, it can be difficult to believe that God loves and wants the best for us. We can manage this doubt by thinking celestial. I had a rough year in 2019 (little did I know what 2020 had coming for us all!): my family moved from… Continue reading

Preserving the Sanctity of Marriage in Modern Times

The Plan of Salvation: Temple Marraige

In today’s world, marriage is being attacked and ridiculed; we should restore its importance now more than ever. Marriage doesn’t have the same importance today as it once did. The narrative around marriage tends to lean in one of two directions: One is toward a twisted picture of misery and… Continue reading

Finding Rest in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

A tired woman throws herself facedown across a couch.

If you have felt “weary in well-doing” (Doctrine and Covenants 64:33), hear the words of the prophet and find peace in Christ. As I approach the end of my last semester in college, my most prominent feeling is usually tiredness. I’m tired in my 8 a.m. lectures, I’m tired when… Continue reading

Peace Begins with You

Woman in brown jacket sits on a rock near the sea

Peace is not achieved by controlling the actions of others but by controlling our own choices. Conflict and contention run rampant in these latter days. Many people accuse unjustly, misunderstand intentionally, and judge prematurely—and can do so even more efficiently through technology. Arguments are only as far away as the… Continue reading

Creating Faithful Families in a Fear-Filled World

The sky and light visible through tree branches.

The world seems to be spiraling ever downward, but we can have faith that the Lord understands our circumstances and that our families will be protected from the evil around us. Have you ever wondered how your personal family situation fits into God’s plan? It might sometimes feel like Church… Continue reading

Reflecting on the Pandemic

The past few years have been hard and unpredictable—but what can we learn from them? As mask mandates begin to lift and life begins to return to something approaching normal, I can understand the desire to stop thinking about the pandemic. Life seems to have been paused for two years.… Continue reading

How Worthy Music Can Bring Us Joy

Girl with headphones around her neck

If we seek out good, uplifting music, we will likewise see ourselves become good, uplifting people. Could you live in a world without music? I know I couldn’t. In fact, when someone asks me what my favorite kind of music is, I am at a loss for words because I… Continue reading

Come, Follow Me: One Influencer Worth Following

Photo of woman using mobile phone

What if instead of spending our days being influenced by strangers over the internet, we spent our days being influenced by our Father in Heaven? Last week at the grocery store, I was reaching for my usual box of protein bars when a certain brand caught my eye. I recognized… Continue reading

Faith in a Modern World

Woman praying beside tree

Faith in the living Christ can conquer any mountain we face. But how do we go from believing this truth to actually living it? At a time when hardship looms like mountains all around us, it’s no wonder that people are losing faith. Countless sources offer guidance for rekindling faith,… Continue reading

With Christ, You Are Equal to the Task!

Darkness with light at the top of a staircase

Living in the latter days, we can “take a step higher” by engaging in acts of preparation, generosity, and faith. Do you ever feel discontent with your eternal progression as you strive to be one with Christ? Feelings of frustration and inadequacy can lead us to believe that we are… Continue reading