Mormons and Muhammad
When studying Islam in a world religions class, I couldn’t deny the gospel light I found in Muhammad’s teachings—but how was I to reconcile the truth in Islam with my own faith?

Prioritizing Spiritual Health
While living in a world full of materialistic and increasing secular interests, how can we maintain our spiritual health? With the advent of social media and the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, more of us are emphasizing our emotional and physical health. However, when I scroll through social media,...

Marriage: Then and Now
By using “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” as our standard, we can see how far off-center the world’s idea of marriage has become, how it got there, and how we need to define marriage today. A judicial system has to balance social and individual interests—the good of the...

Four Ways to Turn Weaknesses into Strengths
Building on our strengths, recognizing our limitations, relying on the Savior, and receiving his grace can help us find strength in God. God consistently chooses the young, small, weak, and humble to do his work. In a Brigham Young University devotional, Bishop Gérald Caussé, First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric,...

Missions Are for Everyone—Just in Different Ways
I wasn’t inadequate. I wasn’t second class. And I still could do a lot to serve the Lord. When I was a sophomore in high school, President Monson announced that worthy young women could serve a mission as early as age 19. From that moment on, people were constantly asking...

Lessons from Quarantine on What Matters Most
We can use the lessons we’ve learned from months of quarantine in order to remember what things matter most. As I watched the world shut down around me in March 2020, I felt my individual world shut down as well. Weeks of quarantine turned into months and even a year....