Can I Ever Be Good Enough?
Even with the commandment “be ye therefore perfect” ringing in our ears, we can still be cheerful and hopeful as we seek eternal life. With all our weaknesses, how will we know if we’re acceptable to God? And with so many commandments to keep track of, where should we even...

Finding Strength in Healing
It’s easy to assume that our broken situation is our only situation and that asking for help is a sign of weakness. What if we restructured these assumptions to see asking for help as a source of strength and healing? Seeking help can feel difficult in a world full of...

How to Avoid the Rut of Spiritual Apathy
Remembering God’s love will strengthen your spiritual resilience and protect you from the trap of spiritual apathy. I peered out through the dense fog at the Ribeira da Torre Valley of Santa Antão, Cape Verde. As the clouds parted and sunlight illuminated the view, my jaw dropped. Enormous mountains covered...

We Always Have a Place with God
Although sometimes we may feel like we do not belong, we always have a place as God’s children. Deserved or not, lasting or temporary, major or minor, we have all probably had the terrible experience of feeling like we don’t belong. It’s an emotion to which we humans are all...

You Are Allowed to Believe in the Magnificent
There are miracles all around us that we take for granted. Recognizing the incredible in the everyday can help us believe in the magnificent aspects and promises of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We live in an era that is dominated by secular thought, and sometimes it’s hard not to...

Applying the Savior’s Atonement to My Own Life
I realized that I had been so focused on working to take the gospel to other people that I had forgotten to let the gospel work in me. Early in my mission to Tennessee, my companion shared with me part of Sister Linda K. Burton’s address from the October 2012 General...