How Can I Choose Love Over Bitterness?
Even when the world gives us every reason to be bitter, we can make the choice to cultivate love in our hearts. Under the government system of racial segregation called apartheid, South African communities were fraught with racial tension. But when the car accident that killed Julia Mavimbela’s husband was blamed...

“That Part’s My Favorite!”
Christ said, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see.” But are we really seeing the wonders of the gospel, or just looking past them? Alsivan was ecstatic when he learned that he could live with his son forever. He is a single father I met on...

Reflecting on the Pandemic
The past few years have been hard and unpredictable—but what can we learn from them? As mask mandates begin to lift and life begins to return to something approaching normal, I can understand the desire to stop thinking about the pandemic. Life seems to have been paused for two years....

Maximizing Your Joy through Minimalism
By getting rid of the material things we don’t need, we can practice minimalism and free up space in our homes, our minds, and our hearts. I have a vice: shopping. Whether buying gifts for others or buying gifts for myself, I just can’t seem to stop. I wouldn’t call...

Marking the Way Back Home
Our spiritual experiences can become the monuments we raise to mark God’s hand in our lives. If you’ve ever been on a hike, you’ve probably seen stones stacked on top of each other. These manmade trail markers, called cairns, have been used to point out a hiker’s course along the trail, ensuring that hikers know which way...

How the Internet Divides Our Soul
The internet allows us to spread ourselves too thin; careful use of our agency is essential for getting the most out of the technology we use. The ability to multitask by using technology allows us to be in many places at once. Thanks to the internet and cell phones, we...