Help and Healing: The Addiction Recovery Program


Are you struggling with an addiction? Is someone you love? The Church offers free audio recordings of Addiction Recovery meetings to help you find hope and healing. Addiction takes many forms. You can become addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, sex, Internet surfing, shopping, video gaming, work, plastic surgery, food… Continue reading

Four Qualities Perfectionists Need to Develop

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Learn what the Doctrine and Covenants can teach us about replacing harmful perfectionism with faith in the Savior. A rejection in the mail from your dream school. A big red letter “F” on the paper you stayed up all night to write. A failed relationship. When we fall short of… Continue reading

Seek Learning by Faith

“Are you and I agents who act and seek learning by faith, or are we waiting to be taught and acted upon?” Elder David A. Bednar shared insights rich with imagery about the power of faith in an address reported in the Religious Educator. Elder Bednar outlined three basic elements of faith:… Continue reading