God has promised each of us blessings that we may receive only after this life. How can we trust God and find happiness now?
The problem with eternity is that it lasts a really long time. When we are promised blessings, God fulfills them in his eternal time. Sometimes we have to wait longer than we’d like to receive the blessings promised to us in our patriarchal blessings, the scriptures, or personal revelation.
In the February 2022 Liahona article “Living ‘as Though’ God’s Promises Have Been Fulfilled,” Sister Lori Newbold addresses the pain and restlessness that can accompany waiting for a blessing we desperately want. She also provides several ways to avoid living our whole lives agonizing over what we don’t have. Sister Newbold explains that “living ‘as though’ [our blessings have been fulfilled] requires believing that God is a promise keeper.” It can be incredibly difficult to have that level of faith, but there are ways to increase our faith while we wait.

As Sister Newbold tells us, God’s promises can range from big, such as eternal life or resurrection, to small, such as the presence of the Holy Ghost or feelings of peace. Noticing all types of blessings, both blessings that can be enjoyed now and only in the afterlife, can build our faith in God. Sister Newbold says, “As we take time to more fully recognize what He has promised, we can…trust Him more as a promise keeper.”
To wait patiently for God’s promises, Sister Newbold also recommends recognizing God’s hand in our lives and trying to be an instrument in God’s hands. That being said, there are many other ways to trust in God. Praying intently, searching the scriptures, and reading our patriarchal blessings can allow us to gain personal revelation about how we can be happy while waiting for promised blessings.
So many people struggle to find happiness while waiting for the blessings of marriage or children. Some feel they haven’t been given specific blessings promised to them in their patriarchal blessing. Whatever blessing you’re waiting for, you can live your life with the expectation that God has already fulfilled his promise—you just haven’t seen it happen yet. While you’re waiting for a blessing, remember that there is still happiness and purpose to be found in your life right now. Instead of waiting for something to make your life complete, focus on Christ and make him the center of your life, knowing that he will fulfill all his promises in his eternal time.
Read Lori Newbold’s full article “Living ‘as Though’ God’s Promises Have Been Fulfilled” to learn more about how you can find happiness while waiting for promised blessings.
Source: Liahona
—Emma Campbell, Latter-day Saint Insights
Find more insights
Read Shelby Gardner’s article “Living Happy, Living Now” to learn more about how to be happy by staying present.
Take a look at Brooklyn Bird’s article “How Christ Can Be Your Eternal Life Coach” to understand how Christ’s plan is better than ours.
Watch Russell M. Nelson’s talk “Joy and Spiritual Survival” to hear more about how to live a joyful life.