Crowded stairwell.

Can Christ Really Heal ME?

Jesus Christ has the power to provide healing and relief regardless of the trials we face.

You don't have to xperience the painful realities of mortality alone.

Photo by Filip Cernak

Life can be hard for many reasons. Some people suffer from mental illness, addiction, financial burdens, death, or even familial burdens. Everyone struggles and needs help to persevere through life.

Sister Carole M. Stephens, then serving as first counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, spoke in general conference about how Christ can heal people from all types of afflictions. Her talk, “The Master Healer,” lists three ways the Savior heals people:

  • “First, the Savior, the Master Healer, has the power to change our hearts and give us permanent relief from the sorrow caused by our own sin.” God loves his children so much that he gave us a tool to waive our transgressions and shortcomings. That tool is the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The Savior’s Atonement, which has the amazing power to change the desires of our hearts and to wash away our sins, is available to all of God’s children.
  • “Second, the Master Healer can comfort and strengthen us when we experience pain because of the unrighteous actions of others.” The Atonement of Jesus Christ does not just heal us from the consequences of our sins; it also heals us from the consequences of the sins of other people. God has also given his children agency. Because of the agency of others, we are likely to experience heartache and trials. We see this especially in situations of abuse. Remember: it is not your fault. Christ knows what you feel because he felt it too. Allow him to heal you by partaking in the Atonement.
  • “Third, the Master Healer can comfort and sustain us as we experience painful ‘realities of mortality,’ such as disaster, mental illness, disease, chronic pain, and death.” Sometimes, circumstances are beyond our control. When we experience loss, pain, illness, or disaster, we must reach to Christ for help and healing.

As a child, I experienced physical and emotional abuse. For a long time, I thought that the decisions of those around me were my fault. I could not understand how my Heavenly Father could allow me to suffer in that way. I have since learned that God gave all of his children their agency, and he will allow us to exercise that agency. Despite the decisions that were made by others, I learned that God loves me and that I can use my trials to learn and grow.

After studying this talk by Sister Stephens, I have been able to more fully exercise the Atonement of Jesus Christ in my life. Not only have I been able to heal and to grow, but I have also been able to forgive. Christ’s Atonement is proof to me that I have a Heavenly Father and a Savior who love me.

Regardless of the situation, Christ is waiting with arms outstretched to receive us. Although we will never fully understand his love for us, we can feel it. He knows and loves us personally—and what a comfort that is.

Source: LDS General Conference

 —Naomi Hurd, Mormon Insights

feature image by jose martin

Find more insights

Read or watch “Where Justice, Love, and Mercy Meet,” by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. Or watch a Mormon Message based on this talk.

Read “The Atonement: All for All,” a general conference address by Elder Bruce C. Hafen, about the magnificence of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Read “Broken Things to Mend” by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland to learn more about how Jesus Christ can heal us.




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