Feeling Discouraged?

It’s an inevitable hazard of becoming awesome.

A lone tree stands in a field, and has a quote written above it, which reads, Neal A. Maxwell said "Discouragement is not the absence of adequacy but the absence of courage."

Photo by Peter Hershey

Do you think Moses felt overwhelmed when he was charged with leading the Lord’s covenant people? Or that Joseph Smith was insecure about his ability to be the prophet through whom Christ’s church would be restored? Chances are that your lack of confidence is a natural consequence of standing in front of a mountain you’ve never climbed before. Don’t fear: you’re off to great things.

Elder Neal A. Maxwell, in his address “Notwithstanding My Weakness,” reminds us of scriptural accounts of some of the most awe-inspiring individuals with their insecurities and discouragements, and he offers excellent suggestions for overcoming such feelings in our personal quests. “Discouragement is not the absence of adequacy but the absence of courage,” he says. Feeling scared or weak is not wrong, but it is a great tragedy when we let that fear prevent us from doing amazing things. It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed, inadequate, or insecure while trying to live a celestial life in a telestial world. If we have never feared failure, perhaps we have never succeeded at anything worthwhile.

It is important to remember that our Heavenly Father wants us to be like him—and there are many ways in our journey in which we may feel we are falling short. Whether we are unsure about our abilities regarding taking the next step in education, starting a family, fulfilling a calling, or whatever else, Heavenly Father knows our potential much better than we do and will aid and guide us.

Read or watch Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s “Notwithstanding My Weakness” to get more of his suggestions for overcoming discouragement.

—Allie Bowen, Mormon Insights

feature image by sven scheuermeier

Source: lds.org

Find more insights 

Take a look at Elder David A. Bednar’s “Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease” to learn how bearing a heavy load can help you progress.

If you have only a few minutes, watch a short clip from Elder David A. Bednar’s address about how the Atonement helps us bear our burdens.

Knowing God has reserved you for these latter-days is another source of encouragement. For a reminder, read or watch Sheri Dew’s “You Were Born to Lead, You Were Born for Glory.”

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One Comment

  1. This is a great message. I have experienced this overwhelming fear during great hardships. Even though it is difficult to try to carry on with your life the Lord will bless you for making an effort to help yourself.

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