light at the end of the tunnel

Finding Hope for Future Blessings

Our Heavenly Parents are forever aware of our trials, and we are never left to face them alone. We receive unwavering help in getting through the darkest moments of our lives when we have hope and faith in them.

When Yih Chwin Koay’s daughter, Alexis, was born prematurely at 26 weeks, she was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. For Alexis, this meant spending 12 months in the hospital under constant care. For Chwin, this meant her year becoming “a heart-wrenching roller-coaster ride.” In the April 2023 Liahona, Chwin shared her story, entitled “Faith to Face Uncertainty.” Amid constant worry for her daughter’s life, Chwin turned to God.

Photo provided by LDS Media Library

“We did all we could for our precious child,” writes Chwin, “and left the rest to Him.” It wasn’t easy for this new mother to face the uncertainties that surrounded her child’s health and well-being, and she recounts that there were times when she couldn’t see past another day. In these moments of sorrow, she learned to turn to the words of the living prophets, where she learned that our Heavenly Parents and Savior never abandon us in our trials.

A general conference talk by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin became, in particular, a source of great comfort for her during this hardship, specifically Elder Wirthlin’s apostolic promise that “Sunday will come.” She developed a deeper appreciation for the time between the Savior’s death on Friday and resurrection on Sunday. During this time, the Savior’s disciples and loved ones undoubtedly felt lost and afraid without the Savior. Similarly, Chwin reflects, “During our daughter’s lengthy hospitalization, we lived through what felt like a never-ending Saturday.” She had hope, however, that Elder Wirthlin’s promise would ring true for her family: Sunday will come. 

Learning to have hope for future blessings isn’t easy, but Chwin’s stalwart example reminds us that we have access to heavenly help when we turn to God in faith and trust. After a successful tracheostomy and months of recovery, Alexis was able to celebrate her third birthday. Chwin attributes each and every blessing, including those still to come, to loving and watchful Heavenly Parents.

Read more about Yih Chwin Koay’s personal experience with her daughter Alexis in the full article, “Faith to Face Uncertainty.”

Source: Liahona

—Hope Jones, Latter-day Saint Insights


Find more insights 

Read Ashlyn Pells’s article “When Words Fail, Hope Lives” to hear her own story of finding comfort in the Savior’s resurrection. 

Learn more about the encompassing power of hope in Caleb Williams’ article “Fighting Worry with Hope.”

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