How Burdens Help

We do not struggle with burdens alone or in vain.

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Everybody struggles with their own individual burdens. In Elder L. Whitney Clayton’s talk “That Your Burdens May Be Light,” Elder Clayton discusses how the burdens that affect us can be organized into three categories: burdens that are a natural product of the world we live in, burdens that come from the choices other people make, and burdens that come from the choices that we make. However, our struggle with these burdens is not in vain. “Burdens provide opportunities to practice virtues that contribute to eventual perfection,” Elder Clayton says. Because of the burdens that we face, we can learn and grow to become better people and better disciples of Jesus Christ. 

Although it is hard to be grateful for the weight we are bearing while we struggle, we can remember that we are not alone. The Savior is there to help us triumph over our burden. Elder Clayton reminds us that “through it all, the Savior offers us sustaining strength and support, and in His own time and way, He offers deliverance.” We can be confident that eventually our burdens will be made light and that we will be better for them. With the Savior’s help, we can embrace our individual burdens and learn about ourselves, the gospel, and eternal joy.

Read more about how our burdens help us in Elder L. Whitney Clayton’s talk “That Your Burdens May Be Light.”

Source: General Conference

—Megan Udall, Latter-day Saint Insights 


Find more insights 

To gain a better understanding about the help that our burdens can offer, read Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease” by Elder David A. Bednar.

Check out the video “Bearing our Burdens with Hope” to gain insight into the importance of the burdens in our lives.

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