How Burdens Help

We do not struggle with burdens alone or in vain. Everybody struggles with their own individual burdens. In Elder L. Whitney Clayton’s talk “That Your Burdens May Be Light,” Elder Clayton discusses how the burdens that affect us can be organized into three categories: burdens that are a natural product… Continue reading

How to Stay Spiritually Safe

The best way to protect yourself from the terror that threatens the world is to turn to the scriptures to learn about God’s protection. Every story in the news highlights the instability of the world we live in. Wars, politics, violence, and hate are presented to us every day, and… Continue reading

3 Ways to Everyday Happiness

When life doesn’t go down the planned path, don’t worry—there is an easy formula to make every step you take a happy one. School, work, family, friends—all day every day, something needs our attention. In his talk, “A Summer with Great Aunt Rose,” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf gives us a… Continue reading

Break Free from Anxiety’s Isolation

When you are struggling with anxiety, it is easy to feel lonely. But you are not alone in this fight. It’s hard to fight a battle when it’s inside your head. The battle against anxiety is tough. Anxiety ruins many simple experiences in life, and the loneliness anxiety brings is… Continue reading