Reflecting on the Pandemic
The past few years have been hard and unpredictable—but what can we learn from them? As mask mandates begin to lift and life begins to return to something approaching normal, I can understand the desire to stop thinking about the pandemic. Life seems to have been paused for two years....

Ancient Witnesses of Joseph Smith
Just as we are blessed with knowledge of the past, ancient prophets were blessed with knowledge of the future. Joseph F. McConkie (1941–2013) was an emeritus professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University when he researched the connection between ancient prophets and Joseph Smith. Through revelation, ancient prophets learned...

“O God, Where Art Thou?”: The Trials of Liberty Jail
When everything seems to go wrong, has God left us to face our trials alone? On December 1, 1838, six men, including the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum, were wrongfully imprisoned in the dungeon of Liberty Jail in Clay County, Missouri. One of the other innocent captives charged with...

Redefining Perfection
The righteous desire to be perfect can overwhelm us and tear us down, but redefining perfection can help us draw closer to Christ.

Women Stand for Religious Freedom Worldwide
Women all over the world are standing for what they know is right, even amid religious persecution. For those of us who live in nations with religious freedom, it’s easy to take that right for granted. In many countries all over the world, though, people are struggling to obtain the same religious...

Empty Hands to Full Hearts
Here’s a formula for having a mighty change of heart and turning to Christ—even when we feel that we have nothing left to offer him. When we come unto Christ, returning as did the prodigal son, we often come back with broken hearts. We are desperate; we plead for Christ...