Hand extended holding a dove with a teal background

“Peace I Leave With You”

The tools we need to “grow an economy of genuine goodness in society” are found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

In the current climate of growing social unrest and war, peace is needed more than ever. As Elder Jeffrey R. Holland reminds us in his April 2021 general conference address, “Not as the World Giveth,” we are facing difficulties that sometimes feel too big to address by ourselves, and the peace and hope that we need is not the kind “the world giveth.” Elder Holland reminds us that despite “frightful prophecies…declaring that peace will be taken from the earth generally, the prophets…have taught that it does not have to be taken from us individually.” How can we promote peace for ourselves and our communities?


Photo by Jill Burrow

Elder Holland teaches that we can find all the instruments needed to create peace by turning to Jesus Christ. By living the principles of the gospel and applying Christ’s Atonement to ourselves, to our families, and to others, our hearts can be filled with peace—allowing us to be an example to others. “Fortunately,” Elder Holland says, “even astonishingly, this soothing salve is made available to us ‘without money and without price.’”

Elder Holland taught that God has promised us that as we strive to be peacemakers, we will have the Holy Ghost as our constant companion. We will feel the Atonement of Jesus Christ working in our lives, helping us overcome conflict and contention, sadness and sin.

I have felt the peace and power of Jesus Christ in my own life, and I know that as we strive to promote peace in our relationships and in our communities, we can feel hope for the future. 

Read more about how to be a peacemaker in Jeffrey R. Holland’s talk “Not as the World Giveth.”

Source: General Conference

—Emma Valentine, Latter-day Saint Insights


Find more insights

Learn more from Russell M. Nelson about the blessings that come to those who strive to be peacemakers in his talk “Blessed Are the Peacemakers.”

Read President Thomas S. Monson’s talk about how we can find peace in our communities and within ourselves: “The Path to Peace.”

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