How a Priesthood Blessing from a Stranger Changed My Life

After endlessly praying for help on a life decision, my answer came in a completely unexpected way—a priesthood blessing from a stranger. Continue reading
After endlessly praying for help on a life decision, my answer came in a completely unexpected way—a priesthood blessing from a stranger. Continue reading
I learned from a dream that the prophet can’t take away our trials but that he can help us thrive during them. I was caught in a raging river in the dead of night, the only light the pale disc of the moon. Despite being an excellent swimmer, I thrashed… Continue reading
I struggled to understand how someone called of God could say something that hurt me as much as it did. I’ll be honest. I used to really distrust Church leaders. I had been hurt, and I didn’t want reconciliation. When I was dating the guy I later married, I went… Continue reading