Patriarchal Blessings from the Past

Reading patriarchal blessings from your ancestors can strengthen your foundation as well as your future. Download them today! Continue reading
Reading patriarchal blessings from your ancestors can strengthen your foundation as well as your future. Download them today! Continue reading
Before Joseph Smith ran for US president, he established an organization in Nauvoo to govern the temporal concerns of the Saints. He called the group “the Council of Fifty.” I remember the first time I learned about Joseph Smith’s seer stones, polygamous relationships, and other uncomfortable tidbits of Mormon history. I… Continue reading
As life speeds up and responsibilities pile up, how will we ever find time to learn—let alone do—family history? FamilySearch has the answer. I’ll be walking in a cap and gown this August and heading out to D.C. with my husband: internship for me, student teaching for him. We’re excited… Continue reading