Choosing to Be on the Lord’s Side

We can choose to be on the Lord’s side by following our Church leaders, which will ready us for the important lesson of being tested, sifted, and prepared. In 1834, Joseph Smith received a revelation to create Zion’s Camp, an army of volunteers dedicated to protecting early members of The… Continue reading

Struggling Through Life Together

Sunrise over a field

We all go through hard things in life, but when we make time to help other people, we can better overcome difficulty. Someone who has never struggled through hard times has never lived. We all face challenges, and many of them are not easily fixed. Trials and challenges are part… Continue reading

Getting Your Feet Wet: The Faith to Act

Feet in water

As you wait for the waters to part, don’t hesitate to start walking. Trust that soon enough you’ll see the dry ground beneath your feet. As a high school senior, I prayed daily about which college to attend, but I did not get an answer from God. Frustrated, I eventually… Continue reading

How to “Pray Always”

A young woman folds her arms and prays at the table.

We know that we need to pray morning and night, but what does “praying always” look like? Phrases that illustrate the principle of continual prayer are peppered throughout the scriptures: “pray without ceasing” and “counsel with the Lord in all [our] doings.” But how can we realistically apply this principle… Continue reading

Beyond the Metaverse: Level Up

A woman biking down a road while wearing a VR headset.

The best achievements occur outside of virtual reality. We can realize meaningful achievements by setting aside technology and developing ourselves. If you’re anything like me, you quietly ignore the weekly usage report from your phone. I accidentally opened mine recently, and I saw that I had spent an average of… Continue reading

Do You Have Faith in God’s Plan Even if It’s Not Yours?

Silhouette of a man in front of the sunrise

We often strive to have faith for things we wish to happen, but do we also have faith that things happen for a reason even when they might not be what we want? Faith is a foundational principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ; it’s something we’ve been taught since… Continue reading

The Surprising Lesson We Can Learn from Pickles


Cucumbers become pickles through a deliberate process of transformation. Similarly, each of us must be transformed, or born again, through Jesus Christ. I still remember the day I learned that pickles used to be cucumbers. As a young girl, I couldn’t fathom how one food could turn into another with… Continue reading

5 Ways to Become Converted to the Lord

Christ sitting in the grass with his disciples

Conversion is a lifelong process of dedicating our lives to Christ. Here are a few simple habits that we can develop to help our conversion continue. Becoming converted to the Lord isn’t a one-time event or a casual process. But it also doesn’t have to be intimidating or confusing. In… Continue reading

To Hear the Savior Pray for You

How would it feel if we could hear the Savior pray for us? As we improve our personal prayers, we can experience what that might feel like.   I walked inside, exhausted. Why do I even go on dates if I always come back so drained? Maybe I’m alone in… Continue reading

It’s Not Where You Serve, but How You Serve

After being reassigned to a new mission and then leaving the field early, a conference address helped me put things into perspective.  In April 2017, I was in the Missionary Training Center when I got a major concussion and sprained my ankle. Consequently, a week later I was reassigned to… Continue reading