What Heavenly Mother Teaches Us About the Plan of Salvation

By knowing what church leaders say about Heavenly Mother, we can know our place in the Plan of Salvation. Latter-day Saint Insights has published several articles detailing who Heavenly Mother is, how we venerate her, and how knowing about her can help us. Each article provides keen insights about Heavenly… Continue reading

Building Healthy Community through a Gospel of Beauty

Building a healthy community may mean asking for help—Minerva Teichert did just that, helping her paint a gospel of beauty through her art. Building a healthy community means supporting one another, but it begins by having the courage to ask for help. In Laura Paulsen Howe’s article “I Have Dreamed… Continue reading

Marriage: Should I Be Worrying About It Right Now?

Man hugging woman

I know I should get married eventually, but should I be worrying about it as a young single adult? In this world of selfies, self-love, and selfishness, young adults are postponing marriage in favor of other activities and personal development. In fact, many young adults are not marrying until they… Continue reading

Family History: How Do We Even Start?

Young adult woman holding temple cards

We know we need to do family history, but the mere thought can be overwhelming. What should we do? Why should we care about people who exist as little more than names on a piece of paper? Recently, President Russell M. Nelson has emphasized the importance of gathering Israel and… Continue reading

Preserving the Sanctity of Marriage in Modern Times

The Plan of Salvation: Temple Marraige

In today’s world, marriage is being attacked and ridiculed; we should restore its importance now more than ever. Marriage doesn’t have the same importance today as it once did. The narrative around marriage tends to lean in one of two directions: One is toward a twisted picture of misery and… Continue reading

Stewardship and the Holy Ghost

White dove with blue sky

As we follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost, he will guide us in our efforts to help loved ones come back to the fold. One of the greatest gifts God has given us is the Holy Ghost. Jesus taught that he would give his disciples the Comforter to “guide… Continue reading

Small and Simple Actions

Baseball on the grass

We can strengthen our relationships with God, ourselves, and others through the “small things.” It’s easy to get caught up in big-picture goals and planning for the future, but this thinking can distract us from the moments of daily living that end up amounting to more than we may realize—the… Continue reading

Family History: Why Is This Even a Thing?

Group of women on laptops

Why should sorting through the names of people I don’t even know be important in my own life? Family history. We’ve all heard of it. But several friends have mentioned to me that family history work just seems too complicated and, honestly, just not worth their time. Since I am… Continue reading

Healing from Addiction

Hand reaching to the sun through the trees

When pornography addiction makes us feel broken, we can find healing through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. When a plague of fiery serpents befell the ancient Israelites, the Lord gave Moses a solution: make a serpent of brass, fix it to a pole, then invite those who have been bitten… Continue reading

4 Ways To Spot and Help Those in Abusive Relationships

Black and white image of woman lying on the ground in the shadows

We all have different opinions about our friends’ significant others. Understanding the warning signs can help us identify if a loved one is in an abusive relationship and know how we can best support them. I met Annie (name changed) in tenth grade, our first year of high school. We… Continue reading