It’s Not the Mote in Your Eye—It’s the Beam in Mine

If you’ve ever asked, “How is that person married when I’m single?” or “I know that person is great, but they aren’t as righteous as I am,” then you probably need to take a moment to reflect. In the talk “Lord Is It I?” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf discusses the… Continue reading

Choose to Believe: Faith Is a Choice, Not a Happenstance

We often think of a testimony as a burning flame we have to feel in our hearts. In reality, the base of our testimony is simply choosing to believe.  Faith is frequently described as a feeling that suddenly overcomes someone after a spiritual experience. While spiritual experiences can greatly strengthen… Continue reading

Why Your Greatest Accomplishments Can Be Small and Simple

We often think we need to change the world in order to feel accomplished. In truth, it’s the small and simple things that are harder to achieve and more glorious in reward. In “Small and Simple Things,” President Dallin H. Oaks reminds us of a familiar scripture: “By small and… Continue reading