Choose to Believe

Questions and choices surround us, but one choice is vital for our spiritual growth: the choice to be willing to believe in Christ. “Why do you believe in God?” The question bursts out before I can stop it. I’m holding back tears, looking desperately at my dad. If anyone had… Continue reading

Choose to Believe: Faith Is a Choice, Not a Happenstance

We often think of a testimony as a burning flame we have to feel in our hearts. In reality, the base of our testimony is simply choosing to believe.  Faith is frequently described as a feeling that suddenly overcomes someone after a spiritual experience. While spiritual experiences can greatly strengthen… Continue reading

Your Most Important Choice

A woman praying.

In times of doubt, we can make the decision to believe in and follow Jesus Christ so that his light will guide us throughout our lives. What are some important choices you’ve made in your life? Choosing a career? Deciding to get married? Selecting a place to live? Although all these decisions are… Continue reading